The Impromptu Writing Journal – 2019 Exhibition

The Impromptu Writing Journal – 2019 Exhibition

So I’m sitting in my house writing this post and my dad comes over and says “isn’t school over?” Technically yes it is. But I haven’t told you about the recent exhibition we did!

The Trip

So as the year comes to an end we always have a year-end exhibition. This year our projects were centred around our most recent trip, Circle BC. My experience from the trip I chose to base my project was writing in my journal. On the trip, our teachers nicely forced us to keep a journal. When talking to some of my friends they were reluctant to start writing because it took to long or they felt they were doing it wrong. I wanted to find a way to make writing down your travel memories. So I came up with The Impromptu Travel Journal. A book filled with writing prompts designed to get your ideas flowing.


I had to do a lot of research for the book starting with a survey. The survey asked questions that helped me figure out what kinds of ideas the book should include and technical things like how long the book should be. One of the questions my survey asked was what type of book people would want and out of all the options, hardcover book was the winner. I had my work cut out for me seeing as I now had to write out every writing prompt and create a hardcover book.

The Process

This was probably one of my most ambitious individual projects. The research was pretty easy because I got over 40 responses to my survey. Finding out how to create a hardcover book was easy too; one google search and there was more than enough information.

Once I finished the research, I started making the writing prompts. That was pretty easy, I just used the information from the survey and all the five senses to come up with the prompts. With all the prompts written I went on to make the pages of the book. This was the most difficult part because I needed to format the pages so that they were in order when I put the book together. After I wrapped my mind around that, it was time for the fun part. Making the book! These are the two videos I used to learn.

Now knowing how to make a book I gathered the supplies and got to work. My first draft went surprisingly well, the only issues were the page order. Other than that I was super happy with the design. For the second draft, I fixed the page order and I kept the same design as the last.

Next, I created my display. The display was designed with 4 rotating panels. I wanted it to be interactive and more interesting than a poster.

Now my book and display weren’t the only works of mine at the exhibition. We also had our trip podcasts on a playlist for people to listen to.

The Podcast

My podcast was about how I came up with my exhibition idea. Of course, it was my idea during the trip. Once I got back my idea changed a lot.

Making this podcast was an interesting experience because we had to create it during the trip. This left not a lot of time and all of us ended up making our podcast on the 22-hour ferry boat. It all ended up ok though because I got it done. I thought my script was really strong and I recorded all my parts when the ferry was stopped so there wasn’t as much boat noise in the back.

The big night

Now that my project is done its time to prepare for the big night. This is when we get to work together as a class to decorate the room. To make a matter easier we separated the room into 4 quadrants. I was in charge of quadrant 4 along with Isy, Luca and Emily. Quadrants were divided based on our projects and ours was “experience BC”. We decided to go for a fairly simple theme of nature but our bigger project was making a Response Box to get feedback on the Exhibition.

I think our biggest strength was the lighting in the room and how clean the room was. We had a really nice flow and good decor.

Summer Time… Finally

So the exhibition is over and its time for summer. I think the exhibition this year went so well. I think we had a super strong room and everybody’s projects went very well. There isn’t too much I would change about my project, I’m so proud of the book and I think my display added a nice surrounding to my project. This year was by far my best exhibition. I felt like I really cared about the project I made and I that really showed in this project. Here’s to another good year! I’ll see all you guys next year!



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