Destination Imagination 1.0 patch!

Welp, It’s over. Destination Imagination has come to an end. We finished our final tournament for destination Imagination over a zoom call. Now I am going to review the tournament and the competencies.

Part 1: The prep

To prep for the tournament we practiced on zoom doing improv situations and worked on our acting. We used simple objects in our household to make sound effects.

Part 2: The Tournament

We presented at 11:20 for our main presentation, and we presented in front of our teachers on zoom. We had our instant challenge a hour later and that was it!

Reflection: Competency, Research and Understand

I would say that with this competency, we achieved it, as we researched and tried to understand as much as we could about it. Overall with the tournament I felt that it was a little bit clunky with peoples cues specifically because we could se each other. But I think overall it was really good!

Welp, that’s all I have to say about DI, later folks.

Original Post


It happened again, Destination Imagination. In this blog post, I am going to reflect on what we did for the regionals of DI 2020 and how we will improve.

Improv’ing it

The group I’m in for DI is improv, our challenge is to create a story and preformance prepared in 2 minutes with a sound effects created with various items in our sound box. The story we presented featured a superhero and a supervillain and the superhero would defeat the supervillain in a unique conundrum. We had to research 10 different powers for the villain while the hero’s underwhelming power and the conundrum we learned about on the spot, also the villains power was randomly chosen.

Here are the powers I researched

We spent most of our time practicing, so I wrote up some practice conundrum. blank-85.pdf .

Reflection, but not in a mirror

I want to reflect on the regional tournament, and how I acted. I would say that the strong suits of my preformance was picking up on the cues and thinking on the spot. I felt as though I was a bit too stiff with my preformance.

When I preform again I want to act and move my body more and be more creative with my ideas.

If I were to grade myself I would give myself a ☀️, there are definitely somethings I should have improved on but pretty good overall.

Rube Goldberg and Circuits

Today I will be talking about the last scimatics project before spring break, PLP 9 Metaphor Machine. How can we represent the scientific method? I am going to talk about curricular competencies, I have learnt through this project.

Planning and Conducting

I believe that I have shown planning and conducting by creating a diagram for our circuit for our Rube Goldberg machine, and learn proper terms and circuitry components.

Questioning and Predicting

I would say a great example of questioning and predicting would be the electricity labs we did, as we had to use the scientific method and hypothesize on the results.

Reasoning and Analyzing

I would say a great example of analysis would be milestone 5, peer feedback and a working machine. We really had to analyze what we were doing and find the best version of our machine.

It’s been Riel, guys.

Our last project before spring break was “Let’s get Riel”. A project was we created three images related to a piece of Canadian history and we also learned about Louis Riel, what was this project like? Let’s get into that!

Part 1: The Set-up

Our driving question for this project was: How can we present past actions and decisions through images to help us make decisions about what is fair or unjust?

The competencies we were using in this project were: Connect:  How do I understand my own and others’ personal connection to texts I read, listen, and view? and Understand Ethical Dimensions: How do we decide if the actions and decisions of the past were fair or unjust, or should or should not have been taken? 

The core of the project was reading Louis Riel by Chester Brown and researching the topic of our images, my group’s topic was the disappearance of the bison.

My group was a simple two-man group, moi, and my classmate, Rhiann!

Part 2: The work

In this part, I am going to talk about how I believe I expressed the core competencies through this project.

Understand Ethical Dimensions: How do we decide if the actions and decisions of the past were fair or unjust, or should or should not have been taken? 

I found that I demonstrated this competence well in my literary response to the Louis Riel graphic novel and overall the life of Louis Riel I wrote about how we view Louis Riel. as a hero. or a villain. Blank

Connect: How do I understand my own and others’ personal connection to texts I read, listen, and view? 

I would say that I have understood the information and texts relating to the disappearance of the bison and that can be seen in the image and the description.

Conclusion: A reflection

I am going to reflect on this project by talking about something I excelled at and something I could improve on. I would say excelled at expressing past actions and decisions (specifically the disappearance of the bison ) through the images I created, I felt that the images in a way tell the story of the disappearance of the bison.

I would say something that I could improve on is consuming and getting a deeper meaning from what we were reading.

That all I have to say, so I guess……. Have a good spring break and goodbye!

A math project to DIE for

Well, the winter break is over and school is back on, so in this blog post, I am going to talk about my first Scimatics project of 2020. Our project was simply called “Like-Terms”, but something was different! We designed the project on our own! I decided to work alone and I created a murder mystery revolving around like terms. Let’s do a overview of the project!

Here is a taste of the of the project itself. I feel I did while reading the textbook pages.

I am going to reflect by going over the cirricular competencies and see if I achieved them!

  • Innovating and Applying

I felt that I really innovated with a unique concept and applied the math I learned to my project.

Understanding and solving:

I felt that I was really understanding and problem solving, with 1. Understanding the concepts of Algebra and Polynomials but also 2. Creating a presentable murder mystery that connects and ties into my learning

Communicating and Representing:

I believe that I achieved communication and represention of mathematics ideas by using them as tool in the murder mystery. The characters all had a different number but the character with a different, unlike term was clearly the culprit and it was made fairly apparent.

Connecting and Reflecting:

I would say that I interests especially with storytelling and particularly Murder Mystery media. I would also say I connected mathematical concepts together.

Welp, that all I could say about this project, so, thank for reading! See ya!

Star Wars: The rise of the project!

Happy new year guys! Today I am writing about my winter exhibition of 2019, this year’s theme? Star Wars! We used Star Wars to learn about storytelling and creative writing.

Part 1: The Phantom Project

We started the project with an opinion piece about Star Wars, we had to back up our opinion with facts. I decided to talk about how I believe Star Wars is not an ‘Important’ film series. You can read it here!


We shortly later learned about the timeline of this project with a project pitch sheet that introduced us to our driving question: How might we build an interactive exhibit that represents the hero’s journey?

Our first leg of the project was all about short stories and journey the characters went through, we read many stories and each explored an element of the story, from irony to characters, we learned about most parts of a story. We ended this part by doing a literacy test to test our knowledge of these stories and understanding of a story.

I think this part of the project really helped connect and fully realize the story we will be telling.

Part 2: Attack of the Original Content!

The next part of our project was to form our character from our planet, our character should be someone who made an actual impact on the Star Wars mainline story, and a character we can explore the hero’s journey with. My group was the Death Star, and after a bit of research, we decided to do the side character Hurst Romo did.

We decided to make a semi-canon Star Wars story, where Mr.Romodi was the imperial agent at the other end of the intercom on the Death Star in Episode: IV A New Hope.

We decided who was going to do what parts for the hero’s journey, and I decided to do the end. I intended (and did) make a melancholy ending to the story which followed the character and scenarios in the story.

We ended this part of the project with an outline of our character’s journey.

I find this part of the project really helped me articulate the character we were writing and it helped my growth in my writing skills

Part 3: Revenge of the review

To show our literary knowledge and ability to criticize literacy, we had to write a review on a piece of media for the New York Times contest. I personally, am very into film and understand techniques and tropes in movies, so I decided to review a movie I have recently seen and was fresh in my mind; Peanut Butter Falcon starring Shia Leboeuf.

I find this part of the project was really interesting as I already like and know film criticism and I got the ability to do that.


Part: 4, 5, 6 The original exhibition

These parts are very similar so I grouped them together! In these legs of the project and milestones, we developed our story and brought it to life! At the very end of the story, I wrote about how general Romodi reflects on his life before the Death Star blew up. I translated that story into a short animation which represents what he saw seconds before the Death Star blew up.

See photos and videos of the final exhibition!!,

Rogue Maker: A PLP story

Meanwhile, while we were developing and finalizing our stories, we also had to create something to represent our part of the hero’s journeys. At the end of our story, our character General. Romodi blows up and reflects on his life.

The idea I developed to represent this leg of the story was a video of the x-wings targeting the Death Star and dropping the bombs in the vent.

You can watch me develop this in my maker journal ( the file was partially corrupted, so I could only salvage most of it )

And here’s the final product!


I found this project really helped me develop my skills for writing and understanding a story, and understand the core competencies we learned in this project.

Thanks for Reading! Bye!

MPOLS: Getting 2020 vision

The time has come once more, time for the mid year presentation of learning (or Mpols). This years driving question is: what is my learning goal by the end of the year, and how do I intended on achieving it? In this blog post and presentation I am going to answer that question. So without further ado, let’s jump in! 3…. 2… 1.. Go!

My learning goal is to improve my productivity I will achieve this by using support from friends and family and tools to limit time I waste.

Productivity and handing things in on time to put it bluntly, is something I really struggle with and wanted to improve for a while.

I find that when I work alone, I find that I lose track and my mind wanders off. When I am working with a group or doing my own section of group work I almost always stay on task. Now I’m not saying make all projects group projects. But helping stay on track with remainders and sending me reminders would I believe help.

I would say some notable examples of this would be: Destination Imagination 2019 ( even though we came in 4th ), my scimatics projects: Game of Exponents Laws and Correlation and Causation project.

Tools to make me more proficient

Secondly I would say, I would using the tools on the iPad that eliminate distractions and opportunities to get me off track. Apple added a feature called App limits. I am going to start using which will limit all my apps that take me off task (Disney+, Instagram, etc) it will limit.

Ask questions (beforehand)

I think that major flaw that I am trying to fix which will help improve productivity, would be to ask questions and get help when I am stuck. Usually when I am stuck, I will try to look for an answer, and if I can’t I’ll just give up. I think that this will also help me improve productivity.

Doing Quality work

Another major issues with my work, I would say is the quality. Whenever I fall behind, my work snowballs into a bigger issue and my work tends to be rushed. I plan on changing this by both using the strategies I am enlisting in this post/presentation, and I will use the core competencies to guide my work and presentation of my work. I will also intend on using 7 habits by continually practicing and harness them.

I find that a great example of this is would be my Maker 2019 reflection (look at it here)


I think that find if I use these strategies I can become a better learner and exhibit my learning.

So far, those are the major strategies I am going to start to do. So to end this presentation I would like end it by asking the question,

What strategy do you think most I should use as a learner to become more productive?

Week 6: Emojis!

Today I am talking about emojis!

Emojis, are traditionally used to communicate with other people online using small faces (😂 or icons ✅) , the word Emoji itself is originally derived from the word Emoticon.

While I am not a fan of vanilla emojis, I am in fact a fan of Japanese Emoticons! You can access these by usually changing or adding a system keyboard to your device. For iPad use (me)

1. you go into settings

2. You go into general

3. You go into keyboards

4. Add Japanese

You did it! ^_^

There are so many different emoticons you can choose from. My personal favourite is the sleepy face(^_^), as I am sleepy a lot of the time.

Well, that’s all I have to say about emojis right now, see ya guys later

Week 7: Holidays

Hey Guys! I’m back with another post, this week I am going to about holidays! So I am going to start by talking my favourite holidays!

Present Day:

My family doesn’t celebrate Christmas so, we have a holiday called Present Day! On present day we give each other each other presents and have some delicious breakfast and dinner.

Honestly I think It’s pretty fun day!

Summer Vacation:

While this isn’t technically a holiday, I’m still going to include it. I’d say that summer vacation is a pretty fun holiday! Most summer me and my family go somewhere really fun and interesting, this year it was Italy, Last Summer Spain, and the summer before that, Japan! I find that Summer Vacay is a pretty fun time!

And Finally…….

Winter Break (Christmas)

I find that winter break is super fun, because, it’s snowboarding season! My family usually goes up to Nelson BC each year and we usually bang out 3-5 days of snowboarding. My parents also usually are feeling very kind this time of year, so they get us presents! Overall Winter break is my favourite because I get gifts and I snowboard!

Well, that’s all I have to say in this blog post. See ya guys later!

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