Driving Question 🏎️

Every project in PLP is led by a driving question. Our question for this project was ‘What were the Consequences of Colonization?’ Throughout the project, as we spent more time thinking /about the driving question, our line of thinking went to ‘What ARE the Consequences of Colonization?’ 


We started our project off by enrolling ourselves in learning about the helpful app Craft. This wondrous creation has helped me so much, and I wish that I had started to use it earlier. Craft has taught me to be organized, even if I want it to still be aesthetic.


It was decided that our answer to the driving question would be presented to the BCFP grade 11’s through a Keynote presentation we would put together in groups of 3. My group consisted of:



Click on the links to visit their blog to see their answer to the driving question and how they thought the project went!

Yet again, this project was connected to worldview. We learned about worldview in our very first project of the year, and most projects since have been connected to worldview.

Watch Tyler, Siena and I’s presentation here!

I thought our Keynote went reasonably well, and the grade 11’s seemed interested enough. Our main feedback we got on our 2 presentations we made was the same both times: SLOW DOWN!!! We thought the second group we presented to we were going slower, but apparently not! It seems when you are nervous or you know the information really well, you talk fast, even if you aren’t!

Algonquin People

The Algonquin people were the specific Indigenous group we chose to focus on. They originally occupied western Quebec and Ontario. They lived in Wigwams, which were kind of like Teepees, although Wigwams were much more stationary, while Teepees could be transported with visitors. The Algonquin people shared their knowledge through storytelling, and they believed in a supernatural being.

New France

Samuel Du Champlain was the man who came and pretty much started New France. He started by building one settlement, but his men kept working, and they started to build more and more. The early European settlers depended on the Indigenous to survive because they were living with different resources and on different land.

Individual Keynote

After my group and I presented our Keynote to the grade 11’s, our teacher told us we then had to make an individual keynote. I think this assignment was a way of finding out if we knew the information through and through without cue cards or anything. We could only use presenters notes, and we needed to make a 2 slide keynote with 3 words per slide, although we could add as many pictures as we wanted. My individual keynote presentation was my final answer to the driving question.


Overall, I thought that this project went smoothly, and I wouldn’t make any major changes in the layout. I enjoyed working with my group members, Siena and Tyler, and I thought we all contributed evenly. Group work is still something I have a bit of trouble with because I like doing all the work, and getting it done ‘my way’ but the more experience I have with it the better I become at working with my peers.

Thank you for reading and stay posted for more!