Welcome to my tPOL of 2024!

Pol declaration:

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”


This year I have consistently struggled with time management. This has translated into encouraging procrastination and turning in work late. I need to work on time management and habits.

Plan for Improving Time Management:

1. Utilize a digital calendar (things) to keep track of assignment due dates, project deadlines, and other important deadlines. Set aside specific times each day to review my schedule and prioritize tasks.
2. Break down larger assignments into smaller, manageable tasks. Create a timeline for completing each task and set deadlines for yourself to stay on track.
3. Minimize distractions while working on school work by turning on do not disturb and finding a quiet work environment such as the library, and using tools like the Pomodoro technique to stay focused.
4. Develop a routine for completing school work by dedicating specific blocks of time each day to study or work on assignments. I intend to stick to this routine to build good habits and avoid procrastination.
5. Seek help from teachers, tutors, or peers if I am struggling with a particular assignment or subject. Prevent waiting until the last minute to ask for assistance.
6. Reflect on my progress regularly and make adjustments to my time management strategies as needed. Appreciate progress and learn from mistakes.

In following this plan and being consistent with my efforts to manage my time effectively, I can improve my ability to hand in school work on time and achieve academic success.


Examples: exhibition graphic novel. WW1 video.


In all honesty communication has been a difficult topic this year. When it comes to group projects, asking questions in class, or reporting bigotry I have no problem communicating with my teachers. In situations where the topic at hand pertains to my struggles to understand material or manage myself, I have a hard time asking for help from teachers, or simply letting them know where I’m at. Despite my worries about being perceived by teachers as less capable, I have made progress in my communication with them. For example, I was struggling in engineering due to circumstances I couldn’t change and (after some initial prodding from choices teachers) I did communicate with my teacher about the issues and my intentions to work around them.

Moving forward, I am committed to continuing to improve my communication skills and to maintain an open and collaborative relationship with my teachers. I am excited to see how this ability to communicate effectively will continue to benefit me in my academic journey.

Examples: Communicating with Mr. Muter and Mr. Harris.

Plan for next year:

Summer learning:

This year I am taking science 10 over the summer to hopefully make grade 11 easier. The plan is I will take a science 11 course next school year and take a science 12 course next summer. I intend to use this summer as an opportunity to practice using my new homework routine in hopes this will encourage the routine and it will become a habit.


Make a plan for the week regarding homework. (To account for inconsistencies in schedule week to week).


15 minutes sometime after school to make list of homework to be completed.

Weekdays designated for homework:

Use pomodoro timer for work that feels difficult or uninteresting.


Reflect on the past week: What went well? What didn’t? What can I change?

What’s the Rielity of Louis Riel?

I don’t like history. With that said, this project in Humanities was all about history! Specifically as it relates to the controversial Canadian figure Louis Riel. Luckily this project didn’t solely revolve around history, it also featured a major writing focus. If I’m being Riel, thanks to PLP, history is slowly finding a special place in my heart. Very, very slowly, but still. I digress. The meat of this project was found within our composure of a multi-paragraph response to our driving question, “How has the portrayal of Riel changed over time?”. To create this response we first had to learn about everyone’s “favourite thing”, history. Who was Louis Riel? Why was he hanged? Why did we watch a video where Riel was a duck that got his head bitten off? All these questions will be answered in due time, dear reader, do not fret.

Louis Riel was many things, a leader, a hero, a heretic, it really depends on who you ask. The PLP grade 9s saw him as anything and everything, while we explored the many contrasting perspectives on Riel. During the launch phase of this project we were asked to do a writing sample for the teachers to evaluate where we are in our writing journies. The requirements for this sample were that it was written in 2 paragraphs and that it expressed 3 symbols we feel represent Canada. Initially I was struggling because I was overthinking instead of simply writing and revising. My procrastination eventually made it so I was still writing my paragraphs the morning they were due. The time crunch forced me to write without time to overthink, which ended up being oddly beneficial. Here the writing sample I submitted:

On day 1 we explored a timeline of events relating to Louis Riel. I learned that Louis Riel’s first act, or rebellion, or resistance, was driving away surveyors looking to take the land of the Métis people on October 11, 1869. I also learned about the governments justification behind Riel being hanged. Riel was held responsible for the death of a man named Thomas Scott, and was hanged for his crime. On day 2 we used Frayer models to work on descriptions and vocabulary and then did an analysis of Louis Riel statues. I found this activity to be quite engaging and useful, as we were forced to exercise our descriptive language. On day 3 we viewed a secondary source, a heritage minute by Historica Canada on Louis Riel. We were then asked to write a reflection on how Historica Canada’s heritage minute portrayed Riel. I was able to write this without much trouble, I believe this was partially due to being forced to write without overthinking earlier in the project. By day 4 we were working on topic sentences. I generally find it difficult to start writing, especially topic sentences, so I started with other related writing and eventually by the end of class wrote somewhat of a topic sentence. Here is my work from that day: On day 5 we were given the very important task of evaluating primary and secondary sources and looking at the lenses they portray Louis Riel through.

The last thing we did before composing our responses and arguably the most important (kidding) was watching a fever dream of an animation. Ms. McWilliam informed us that she had come across it in her first year of teacher and found it necessary to scar all children with its horrors. I would implore you to witness its utter shenanigans but am having trouble finding the video. We held a brief discussion on the meaning behind the video and it was interesting hearing different perspectives on the animation. One person thought that Riel being the head of a duck represented how Métis people we seen as lesser, and treated accordingly. Another interpretation is a literal one, of Riel being hanged. And by day 6 we were ready to write! This response acts as both the final end goal of the project, and a response to the driving question. Through feedback from peers and teachers different iterations were developed, here are all of mine in chronological order.

Draft 1:
Draft 2:
Final version:

I feel as though this project was immensely beneficial to me as a learner. Not only because of the writing improvement and history learned. I have struggled with putting words to paper for years. This struggle causes some academic struggle, and within this project I found myself writing without overthinking, and because of this getting work done on time. Of the work, I am proud.

Revolutions, Rube Goldberg Machines, and the Art of Perseverance

How do ideas drive change?

This was the question the grade 9s attempted to answer at this years Winter Exhibition. We did this by learning about revolutions and creating metaphorical interpretations of specific revolutions, their impacts and their causes.

We had to understand what makes a revolution, well, a revolution, before building Rube Goldberg machines, or even learning about specific revolutions. To do this, we learned about Crane Brinton’s anatomy of revolution. Brinton’s theory suggests all revolutions share 4 common stages. The incubation stage, the moderate stage, the crisis stage, and the recovery stage. The incubation stage is a time of discontent and division within classes, disdain for weak rulers, half-hearted reform from rulers, economic crisis, intellectual opposition (intellectuals speaking out against the government), military victory, and a sense of government injustice. The moderate stage is made up of protests and small scale violence. The crisis stage is marked by radicals gaining control of government, mass violence occurs, regicide (assassination of monarch) can also take place, radicals form revolutionary councils, civil and foreign war may take place, and secret police are often mixed into this stage. Finally the recovery stage happens and radicals are removed from power. A regime reminiscent of the old one returns, slightly changed through impacts of the revolution. This stage is characterized by peace or war, sometimes both.

After understanding the stages of a revolution we took our learning further in reading Animal Farm, by George Orwell. If you are unfamiliar with the story, it is a metaphor for the Russian revolution. Animals on a farm overthrow their human counterparts in hopes of creating a more fair society, only to end up resembling the very humans that drove them to revolt. Reading this book doubled as an opportunity to better understand revolutions and to create effective metaphors simultaneously.

Now that we understood revolutions and how to create metaphors out of them we were put into groups to represent specific revolutions. We spent some time researching our revolutions and created infographics to show our understanding of our revolution and how it fits into Crane Brinton’s theory of a revolution. I was placed into the Haitian revolution group with Izzy, Baz, Quin, Kai, Lucas M, and Aiden.

At this point we had all the knowledge we needed to begin creating our Rube Goldberg machines!

As part of the planning for our Rube Goldberg Machine we created a document which contains all of the parts of the machine, the associated metaphors for each part, and the revolution event each metaphor depicts. This is that document:

Winter exhibit

Another important piece of the project was making a documentary which explained the machine building process. Unfortunately our documentary editor was sick during a crucial period of time and the documentary was definitely impacted by this, but we had to adapt, and we did.

The real issues began showing themselves the dreaded day of the exhibition. We made the significant mistake of trying to assemble our entire machine the day of. Now when I say assemble, I mean attach all the individual metaphors together, huge misstep. Initially we had planned to connect the pieces multiple days earlier to try and do a run-through, but that proved challenging as some of the building had not been completed by certain members of the group.

There were some major learnings from this experience. One of which was if a member of a group is unable to meet a deadline, that means all hands on deck from the rest of the team! The missing of a deadline calls for a conversation within the group about what went wrong, why it went wrong, and how we are going to move forward. We have to work together to support each other during our shorting comings, this is especially crucial within a group setting.

Anyways, I digress. So there we were, standing in front of an entirely dysfunctional machine, (slightly) losing our minds. Not that anyone could tell. (Everyone could tell). At least I know I was losing it a bit, I can’t speak for anyone else. After some frustration and a few deep breaths, we persevered and problem solved (somewhat).

Before continuing I feel that it is important to thank 2 people.

Monica, thank goodness for you and your absolute kindness in trying to help us problem solve in the midst of the chaos, you had no obligation to, yet you did. A true show of character.

Quin, thank you for working feverishly alongside me sacrificing your lunch and 4th period to try and wrangle together the functional pieces of our machine in an attempt to have something that remotely resembles a functioning Rube Goldberg machine. I admire your willingness and dedication.

With that out of the way, want to hear how the mess of a night unfolded? (Spoiler: You’re being told regardless).

After working with Monica and Quin for a few hours, we had managed to arrange the pieces of the machine in a way that theoretically could function. Unfortunately as we know theory doesn’t always align with practice. This was an example of that. At 3:00, when the rest of the team arrived, we put them to work, fan dangling, still attempting to produce a (somewhat) working machine. 5:00, the doors open, and guess what? No functional machine to be found. Not in the Haitian revolution anyway.

So the machine didn’t work, and it didn’t look good, did anything go well? I would say one thing we did do quite well was our presentation. Everyone spoke, everyone understood the material they were referencing, and we played off the machine not functioning pretty well. We told people to just pretend to be surprised when it didn’t work, or alternatively act as though it did. While the Rube Goldberg machine didn’t manage to function in the manner we expected, we had good bones in place, we understood our revolution and had sound metaphors, and I would argue that is the more important of the two.

Though we had our difficulties I am glad I got the opportunity to work with my team. And to anyone that might’ve seen our machine in action, it totally worked, right? (Just say yes).

Thank you for reading! Have a good rest of your day/night.

Thriller reflection

This year in Maker PLP 9 has had a large focus on the art of storytelling through cinematography. In this project we learned about thrillers and were tasked with creating a 2 minute thriller film, and it was harder than it may seem.

To gain understanding of what a short film thriller is, we watched and reflected on a number of them in order to break them down and evaluate the storytelling, the videography and its effectiveness. A part of this evaluation was the film’s application of the 3 Cs: contract, crucible and clock. Within a thriller the contract is a promise made to the audience, the crucible is the main constraint that forces action, and the clock is an element of time restriction.

In the creation of our thriller, which you can find posted below, I am most proud of our visuals and the angles we chose. The shots and angles progressed naturally creating smooth transition.

There were a number of learnings from the project. If I were to do this project over again, I would focus more time on the audio quality in order to create more suspense. Another learning was the importance of keeping continuity. During the editing process we identified a number of continuity errors and felt compelled to reshoot a number of scenes to keep the viewer immersed in the story. One final learning was centered around preparation. Specifically, in dedicating time and energy into a detailed storyboard, time can be saved in the filming of the thriller.

Now that I have experienced creating a thriller, I find that when I watch shows now I am identifying the shot angles, and considering how the audio effects have been created. As a viewer, I find myself thinking more about the processing of filming, which I had never before considered.

Hope you enjoy my thriller.

Thanks for stopping by!

Loon Lake’s Lasting Learnings

The PLP 9 learning team went to Loon Lake!

The trip was centered around leadership and enhancing our collaboration as a team and was run by the company Pinnacle Pursuits.

Going into this trip I felt uncertain about what to expect. I knew this trip would look different from our past field studies, as all 50 of us were together. Knowing the experience was being run by an external company, Pinnacle Pursuits, added a layer of uncertainty as well. Thankfully, my mind was quickly eased after getting there and the experience ended up being a positive one.

The week focused on team building, emotional intelligence and collaboration. The curricular competencies worked on in team building included processing (thinking critically), analyzing (evaluating relevance, authenticity and bias) and decision-making (making complex judgements while identifying and respecting diverse communities).

There are a few highlights I’d like to mention where I used and developed these core competencies. The first one was my experience with “low ropes”. During the low ropes challenge my group practiced trust and communication. Without harnesses, our group of 12 had to work through the different activities using only each other as spotters to ensure safety. We did great! In one of the sections of the low ropes we were timed and we came in 1 minute faster than the same size group that completed the course before us, demonstrating our team work.

One of the challenges in the high ropes area was a “box tower building” exercise. One team member was attached to a harness while other members of the group helped stack crates as high as possible. In order to get through it, we had to listen to each other and after testing out things and trying some approaches, we came back together to make more effective decisions which respected everyone in our group and allowed us to achieve the goal. I feel that this activity brought our group closer together to achieve great heights. As a side note, our group of fourteen year olds, now shares the record for the most crates stacked, 17, with a group of firefighters and a yoga instructor.

Another noteworthy experience were the “trust falls”. Over multiple days we practiced doing various types of trust falls. This ended up being preparation for the ultimate trust fall which was off of a chair stacked on a table. I was nervous because of the height but offered to go first. This activity was very exciting due to the adrenaline coursing through my veins. It really was a significant exercise in trust as we were truly relying on our classmates to catch us and keep us from being physically hurt.

With all three of these activities described above, the three defining commonalities were that we communicated effectively and we positively encouraged one another, creating a feeling of togetherness, trust and accomplishment.

An activity I feel very important to highlight was the “crossing the line” activity. In this exercise, Jono, a Pinnacle Pursuits leader, would ask a question and if it applied to you, you would walk to the other side of the gym, across the lines. Jono would then ask us to see who was with us, who wasn’t and to recognize how we were feeling. Apart from Jono’s voice, this powerful exercise was completed in silence. I felt this activity allowed me to better understand the experiences and influences in my peers lives. This activity gave me more understanding and makes me realize how different and similar our lives and experiences are as people.

I think the answer to the driving question was reinforced during our week together. All the exercises really brought attention to the importance and value of developing strong emotional intelligence skills towards better understanding ourselves and our peers. The choices we make and subsequent actions we take today, define who we are and how others see us and set us on our future path.

Thank you for reading.

Photo credit to Caelum Cheim

Take your kid to work day reflection

Take your kid to work day is a nationwide event where grade 9 students accompany their parents, or another adult to work. The goal of take your kid to work day is to develop an understanding of the similarities between classroom learning and work life and to appreciate all that goes into working to provide for oneself and family.

For me, take your kid to work day was an information packed day of tours, meetings and de-egging a salmon (yes you read that right, and no that’s not the proper terminology).

After google maps leading us in literal circles, and almost losing someone’s dog, I hoped the day could only get better. Thank goodness I was right.

We started of the day at the Capilano Salmon Hatchery and were given a tour of the facility. I learned so much about salmon and have a newfound respect for hatchery workers. Did you know there’s a head depot? As in a depot specifically for fish heads. Blew me away.

The second half of the day took place downtown in the Douglas Jung building. In case you’re wondering who Douglas Jung is (like I did) he was the first Chinese-Canadian member of parliament. The Douglas Jung building is home to the offices of three government divisions, Environment Canada, Climate Change Canada, and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. They kindly organized a meeting with speakers working a variety of professions.

The highlights of my day included being able to get hands-on at the hatchery. Harvesting eggs and sperm from salmon was an unexpected surprise and was actually more interesting than horrifying. Another highlight was the tour the conservation officers gave us of their offices. They had a large display of confiscated items which included an elephant foot, carved ivory and an alligator head, to name a few. In another room the officers showed us items from an active investigation. I was shocked to see live snapping turtles and a spiny soft shell turtle, which I promptly named the Pinocchio turtle for their long nose.

I learned a significant amount in one day. My learning ranged from sustainability and what the government is doing to try and protect our environment to insane stories of the attempted animal smuggling into our country to practical workplace applications. In fact, I didn’t think I would learn about a possible career path that I’d be interested in, however I did when I met a woman who works in communications for the government.
This experience showed me that regardless of the field, work isn’t static. Things are always changing, people learn and grow at every age and stage. It was evident through meeting various people during the day that the common thread for everyone was an ability to think critically and adapt to adversity.

Feel free to check out my video capturing the learnings of the day.

Geography of the West: Humanities Edition

“We are here on our honeymoon.”

Was not a sentence I expected to hear as we made our was through Alberta. I’ll touch on that later. Now this blog post is the humanities version of our “Geography of the West” project. The driving question was “How has the geography of the West shaped us?” Questioning, researching, organizing information, and critically reflecting to further our understanding, were the main skills we focused and built on.

In order to fully answer and understand our driving question we created a book including 8 different locations from our trip that held importance to the geography of the West. Personally my book was fun to make and I feel as though my work on this book positively represents me as a learner.

How has the Geography of the West shaped who we are?

Overall I feel as though I have improved from last year in multiple ways. For starters I actually took notes about content I found interesting or relevant in the places we went. I included photos, videos, fun facts, and information to help me in answering the driving question! I also feel that with the Multitouch book, because I took notes, procrastination was easier to overcome as it felt like I was already part of the way there. Another helpful technique I used was the pomodoro timer. Convincing myself to get 25 minutes of work done makes it easier to start.

That’s all well and good but whats the answer to the driving question?
I’m glad you (definitely) asked. My answer to our driving question “How has the geography of the West shaped us?” Is this. Businesses who make a profit because of the physical characteristics of the land their businesses is on or relates to, rely on it, it shapes them. Take the Revelstoke Railway Museum, for example. It only exists because of the difficulty of the West’s terrain. People are connected to Land. People develop emotional connections to land. For example, I talked to a woman who had lost her father. 2 weeks ago she said. It had only been 2 weeks since he passed. Why did she come to the Columbia Ice Field? She and her dad visited a glacier. Visiting the Columbia Ice Field was a form of grieving and remembrance for her father. I was touched. I hope she is having a great day, that woman deserves it. There are also people who travel to experience different lands. I saw this in the couple I quoted at the beginning. They chose to have their honeymoon in Alberta! They were avid hikers and enjoyed the scenery that the Rockies offers! Them choosing Alberta as the place to spend their honeymoon was not something I expected. I can’t figure out why, but I was shocked! Then there is us! The PLP 9 learners. We learned from the land. We worked to understand the significance and history of the land we visited and reflected upon our learnings. Through interviewing people I became baffled at how connected people are, naturally, deeply, and emotionally, to land. Historically the Canadian West is significant because of the building of the CPR, among other reasons. Historically the West is significant because of the wrongdoings that happened on its land, the Chinese workers killed in building the CPR. The prevalent racism. The history also holds a story of perseverance and determination. Like an onion, it has many layers. The geography of the West is significant to us, us being people, not specifically me, but inclusive of me, because of the memories, history, and growth that will continue to happen on and because of it.

Geography of the West: Maker Edition

Have you ever lived in a place? No? Well now I’m concerned.

If you have, you may find it interesting that the grade 9s most recent project was about Geography! There are 2 parts to this blog post, this is my maker blog post. I encourage you to check out my humanities blog post as well! (Once it is complete). Ok enough preamble!

On our recent trip to Alberta, we learned how to tell a story through the moving image centered around questioning, and collecting information. The driving Question was “How does the geography of the West shape us?” We were required to make 3 videos in Alberta, and 1 during our time at home. The style or topic of these videos included, TikTok, investigative, silent, and inspiration. Our task was to tell an effective and engaging story during each of these videos.


As a fun and an unexpected (by me) twist we created TikTok style videos! I worked with Monica and we made 2 different TikTok’s. One is a trend that compares how we see things through social media vs the reality. Thinking it would be entertaining, we chose to highlight the difference in what is shown on PLP’s instagram account, compared to the reality of PLP trips. The second trend is done with another person and shows a variety of different places. The requirements for these videos were that they followed a TikTok trend, had music behind them, and told some story of the West. I believe Monica and I worked well together to accomplish the assignment and had fun while doing it!

Moving on to the Investigative video. We were instructed to create a 3-4 minute video including interviews from people in the West. Having to approach strangers with the intention of an interaction that for the most part exclusively benefits me was slightly intimidating. However, as with anything, practice makes better and after a few interviews I was getting the hang of it. Not having planned interviewees or timeframes for the work, unlike in a classroom, stretched my thinking by forcing me to think on my feet and encouraged me to be opportunistic. My investigative video was my favourite as I feel it turned out the best (I’m proud of the results, and the points I made were clearly supported).

The first and most exciting to plan was the silent video! I feel my group collaborated and compromised productively, and that our overall strength laid mostly in our preparation. I worked with Hazel and Sebastian Harrison. Our story, though confusing to understand, still turned out to be relatively good! It follows the story of a person going about their day, when they run into a murderer!!!!! (Dun, dun, dunnnnn!) they shrug it off, not really noticing the very obvious crime afoot, and accidentally become an accomplice to the dysfunctional murder. Somehow when the detective shows up they are convinced to lock up the dead person! Check out the video here! (Insert link) If you liked it, I edited it. If you didn’t… the editing was all Hazel!

The final video and one that has the most room for improvement, in my opinion, is my inspiration video. it is lacking excitement and the music could have been made to better enhance the video. I liked aspects of it but if I were to do it over I would’ve made it funnier and more visually pleasing by adding animations having the voiceover be succinct. If you are thinking of clicking on this link, think again for both our sakes, (please). If you must watch it, here’s the link.

I enjoyed making all these videos and learned so much about geography and creating videos by reworking them when they had kinks. Overall I am proud of the work I have done, and will take my failures and successes and continue to incorporate (or drop) habits I expressed within this project!

Congrats! You’ve reached the end! 🥳

tPOL 2023 (I Know, unoriginal name)

Am I ready to go into grade 9? Yes.
Am I scared out of my mind? Also yes.

Welcome to my first ever tPOL! Wow, time flies! It feels like it has been simultaneously forever and 5 minutes since the start of grade 8.

POL declaration:

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

First things first, if you’re unfamiliar with tPOLs, they are transitional presentations of learning. In my tPOL I will be focusing on the improvements I’ve made this year and reflecting on some areas of growth.

I’m going to be honest, in many ways this is difficult for me. The reason being that I’m forced to think about the fact that I am 1/5 of the way through my high school experience. I’m going to be a LEGAL ADULT in 5 years. I still have trouble wrapping my brain around that.

Considering that this is my very first tPOL, I want to get it right. What I mean is I want to look back on this and be proud, not embarrassed or ashamed. As a result of this, I’ve done a bit of procrastination.

Procrastination was a major talking point of my mPOL and has been a common struggle affecting my work this year. You can see this within my dinocell drawings. The reason I struggled with my work on this is I wasn’t able to keep words on the page. I’d type, delete. Type, delete. And so on.

In contrast, procrastination was the last thing on my mind when I worked on my advertisement to present at the Spring Exhibition. I pumped out drafts for the ad without a second thought because I recognized that I didn’t need my drafts to be perfect, I only needed to continue to improve and develop with each irritation. As long as I did that, I knew it would result in a product I’m happy with.

My takeaway from this is that a shift in attitude can and has resulted in a major improvement in quality and confidence in my work.

My development in humanities (aka my favourite class) has meant a lot to me. I have become a more confident writer. I’ve made this progress because of, you guessed it… procrastination. Well rather a lack of. During the beginning of the year I struggled with my writing because I was unhappy with the quality of my first drafts. The MindNode I created during the beginning of the year showcases this. As the year went on, my procrastination became less constant. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely still procrastinated, but on a much lower scale. I’ve demonstrated this in the entirety of The Medium Is The Message project. Another example is my work on Radical Innovations. Not procrastinating has made me a more confident writer as my work is higher quality when I give myself more time to get it done.
I love writing and I love learning about the world, making this progress within humanities made it easier to do both those things.

I’ve grown in many ways relating to my PGP, (Personal Growth Plan) for example my note taking has improved and I have worked on my writing skills. Even in my PGP, which we created during the beginning of the school year, I recognized the importance of routine

PLP 8 Learning Plan Template September 2022.numbers 2

Though I have a long way to go, I’ve made many improvements in my work habits and attitude throughout this year.

I have learned a lot in science this year. From my vaccine source analysis:

To my gummy bear diffusion. I’ve found that I retained information best in Science. This is likely because of the check in spot Ms. Kadi had. During most classes Ms. Kadi would get us to either, submit our work from the class, or answer a few questions relating to the learned material. This has allowed me to remember more material for longer periods of time, while also forcing me out of procrastination as I knew that I would have to hand in work by the end of class.

So, how can I use these failures (First Attempt In Learning) to create a recipe for success?
All of these failures can be traced back to procrastination. While procrastination has not been the only factor in these failures, it plays a significant role. By working on my routine and therefore organization I will greatly improve my current quality of work across all areas. This summer I am actively going to commit to a routine. My hope is that this practice will translate smoothly into the coming school year.

Lets tie this back to the beginning. Am I ready to advance to the next grade?

I am ready, scared, but ready.

Thanks, Kennedy

Spring exhibition 2023

The end of the year is almost here! What comes with that? The Spring Exhibition! The exhibition was chaos, the good kind. All of the grade 8’s made advertisements for businesses we visited on our Oregon field study. The ads we created were to understand the answer to our driving question, “How does advertising persuade, sell, and influence society?” I was assigned to the Wolf Haven group, which happened to be the best business (I’m definitely not biased 😉). Wolf Haven is a hands-off sanctuary for wolves who have been in the pet trade. Wolf Haven works to protect wolves and educate people of all ages about wolves. I loved visiting Wolf Haven and had the pleasure of having a 20 minute in depth interview with one of their staff members.

Prior to making our ads we learned about different advertising techniques including logos, ethos and pathos. Logos uses evidence, logic, or reasoning to convince consumers. Pathos persuades people via evoking emotions. Ethos creates credibility of a brand by using celebrity or professional endorsements, whether real or perceived. I focused on the use of pathos in my advertisement. I felt this method was appropriate to try and draw interest through emotion. I thought is was the easiest and most logical way to promote Wolf Haven’s message. This technique is very commonly used when promoting brands involving animals. Here is the evolution of my ad.

During the Spring Exhibition I enjoyed talking to people about Wolf Haven and my approach to advertising the organization. It was great sharing about Wolf Haven and walking visitors through the process of building my ad. I personally enjoyed meeting my peer’s family members. Oddly enough my favorite part of the night was rolling up the mats at the end of the evening. Ms. Kadi took a video of us yelling “child labor!”. I felt a real connection to my classmates as we were all working together to finish our year off, working towards a common goal and laughing while doing it.

If I were to have an opportunity to do this over I would’ve created an outline of bullet points I wanted to mention to those interested in Wolf Haven.

Unfortunately I didn’t get the chance to visit all the other grade’s projects. Next exhibition hopefully we will have set breaks like the Winter Exhibition did.

Overall there were a number of highlights and learnings from this exhibition that I will use to improve my contributions to future exhibitions.

Thanks for reading!

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