For this project we had to total our overall screen time and put them in one big chart marking how much screen time we used then later totalled up all of the numbers. I had the standard categories, iPad time broken up into 2 parts by entertainment and productivity. Productivity being school work and entertainment… Continue Reading Fractions of your Time Final Project Post
Month: November 2020
The Medium is the Message: Final Portfolio Post.
This project has definitely been the most difficult project I have done yet. I have learned so much about advertisements and how they can influence you to buy stuff and change you in a way. Through out this project we have done a total of six milestones all of which have helped me along the… Continue Reading The Medium is the Message: Final Portfolio Post.
Reflection on Advertisement Drafts
For this project our goal was to make an advertisement for a business that our group decided on. We then had to make 3 drafts to show to our group throughout 2 weeks and changed our drafts based on the feedback we got. The ultimate goal for this project was to make 1 good advertisement… Continue Reading Reflection on Advertisement Drafts