Hello and welcome back to my blog if you don’t know already my name is Logan muller and this is my artifact On the book atomic habits written by James Clear,
So for this project i was tasked with reading a book on making habits and changing good or bad habits you may already have, the driving question that was given to this project was How can small changes in my habits shape my success this year, and beyond? At first i had no idea what to expect from This book, and at first i had thought that it was a little boring, but day after day i would keep on reading the book there were 22 chapters in the book and by the end of week one i was at 13, i was so hooked with the different techniques that James clear talks about like habit stacking were you add on new habits to habits that you already do in your daily life like during water after making a cup of coffee, or doing some push ups after you wake up, another way to make new habits is the two minute rule were if the habit takes more then two mins then you do it last so you do all of the small things in the day first then all of the long and boring things like folding your clothing or vacuuming,
The way that he speaks in this book is so good and he tells you a little bit about him self and other people who used habits to better there lives, even i am using habits from the book the habit stacking rule is really good, so i get home take off my shoes take a shower then i play the piano, those are some of the habits that i stacked on to getting home after school and it really did help a lot, even my parents noticed it,
But besides all of that habit talk, we were tasked with making a artifact, what is an artifact you might ask, well it is something that you make on your understanding of something. Like for this project i made a advertisement style video on the book and what it can help with, it also has to connect with you Jin some sort of way and in January I’m being tasked by the company that I work for to make and add video, if you would like to watch it, i put it at the end of this post
Well that’s all for this project i hope you enjoy my video, and the information that i gave you. I’ll soon you in my next blogpost.