Illest RoadTrip of all TIME

Welcome to the most interesting blog post I’ve ever done! My PLP math 9 Teacher assigned our class induvidual projects called “MTVs illest road trip of all time) where you have to plan a road trip and have 10 000 dollars to spend! This blog is going to breakdown each part of the road trip, lets go!

First, you need to know the following: The road trip is just me, its 7 days and I’m driving from New York to Nova Scotia. Ok now lets actually start.

PART 1 – Lodging and Food

I decided to be boujiee for this trip, as its just going to be me. I have lots of money to spend so I chose the most expensive hotels, food, and luggage. I will be spending my nights in 5 star hotels, eating 5 star food and my luggage will be in a Gucci bag. Yes, I know, very extra.

The equation that will show me how expensive it will be for the amount of days I am going is:
Y=700 x + 300

I used that equation to find that the Lodging and Food will cost me 5200$ for 7 days.

One of the hotels I will be staying in!
What the restaurants I will be eating in look like
What my luggage looks like

PART 2 – Route

Now the most important part! The route. As you can see in this picture, I am traveling from New York to Nova Scotia. The drive is overall 864 miles and 16 hours and 26 minutes. To get from New York to Nova Scotia I will be driving 2 hours and 30 minutes per day.

Now I’m going to show some pictures of the places I’m most excited to go to off the list.



I am looking forward to the final destination, Nova Scotia!
The Moncton Waterpark in New Brunswick!
Saint John, New Brunswick

PART 3 – Vehicle

I had the choice from some cars like a Honda Prius, but I chose the Lamborghini Murcielago! The MPG is 13, and I need 66 gallons of gas for the whole trip. That costs 184$ which is nothing compared to my luggage Gucci bag. Anyways, the math equation for how much its going to cost for how ever many days is..

Y= 160x + 184.

I will be spending 1304$ on car related things.


My Road-Trip car!


PART 4 – Calculating it all

I decided after all this math I was going to keep my trip 7 days even though I’m only spending 6504$. What am I going to do with the extra 3496$ you ask? Spend it at a Gucci store in the Moncton City Mall.

Gucci Store


PART 5 – Sponsorship

In this part, we have the choices of Coca Cola, Pepsi, and Snapple for sponsorships. After doing all the math I found that Coca Cola would give me 146$ in 7 days if I placed there product in my roadtrip. Coca Cola was the best offer as Pepsi was 130$ and Snapple is $ -74! Now I have an extra $ 146… hmmm.. more money to spend at the Gucci store!

The graph that showed me how much I could profit


Now that my road trip is planned, I’m ready to go! I ended up spending 6504$ on maditory costs, 3496$ on Gucci stuff, and I got 146$  from Coca Cola. Adding that all up, I will be spending 10 146 $. How exciting!

I really enjoyed this project. It was a good way to connect real life to school as one time in my life I will probably have to do this for a real trip! I got better at Algebra in this project as I had to practice it a bunch. Nova Scotia here I come!


  1. Alayzha

    thank you guys for helping me with this today i hate my AEP teachers because she didn’t even wat to help me ana she is he one who gave it to me.

  2. Alayzha

    Thank you for helping me to i hate my AEP math teacher because she don’t even want to help me and she is the one who gave it to be duhhhhh

    • Failure_spammsz279

      I did this when I was in 9th grade as well.Trust me math is hard but you’ll get through it just keep going!

  3. C'est La vie

    May or may not have used your places for my project. erci beaucoup pour tout le travail que vous avez fait pour moi

  4. Noah

    I got assigned no this over the weekend. I didn’t do it so now I’m in school, 20 minutes before class doing this. Seems pretty easy.


    You really messed up. You went over budget and followed no rules. Where is your reflection

  6. dd

    I was looking at the sponsorship part an I’m confused on how you got your equation? but overall good job helped me a lot

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