Category WWII

The (sort-of) Grand Finale

Welcome, to the final event. That sounds incredibly eerie, but basically welcome to another end to a project. This is a special end, however, because this is the last Summative project post that I’ll be writing for the year of… Continue Reading →

The Drive-Thru

You may or may not have heard, we’re doing another Exhibition! If you are new, or just don’t really know what an exhibition is, is basically the grand finale to the year that we, the students, put on for you,… Continue Reading →

We are Jazz.

The word “Jazz” derives from the slang word “Jasm”, which originally meant energy, vitality, spirit and pep. The genre however, involves the playing of instruments like the drums. It takes a level of advanced talent, being able to improvise on… Continue Reading →

Its Been a Hot Min…

Hey hey hey, it’s been a minute since we were last together! We had a full 10 weeks of being away, but here we are back again. I want to give you sort of an update, which will help get… Continue Reading →

Songs of the Kyowakai

Malaika, how many blog posts are you going to write? Honestly, I don’t know, they could be endless. But having to write summative blog posts also comes with the joy of sharing my learning throughout the project, with all of… Continue Reading →

A (sort-of) Review….?

This week was really focused on getting our interview and initial questions answered. To get you caught up, we are conducting our interviews for our podcast episodes about WWII, but also in the midst of learning the history of WWII…. Continue Reading →

Finding OUR Stories

Research. Time. Passion.  Three things that go into finding a good story. Also three things we demonstrated during this past week.  Now that we have completed a whole week of listening to audio stories, and getting inspiration for our podcast… Continue Reading →

Audio Stories

Welcome, welcome, welcome. As you know, we are back into our routine of writing weekly reflection posts, but not necessarily about the same project. Thats right, you heard me correctly, new project time!!! If you missed how we ended our… Continue Reading →

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