November 19

Scimatics Board Game

Hello again and welcome back to my blog. Today I’m answering the question of “How are thematic and mathematical elements used in game design?” I just did a project on this topic and for the project we made a board game in groups of 2-3 people. In my group i paired up with Andrew and Owen (they’re making a blog post on this too.) 

For this project we made a board game and we had to calculate probability with dice or cards. For our game we took some cardboard and put some blue paper over it, we cut out continents and put them in their places. We made characters with their own bonuses and cards for actions. Players would put their character on the board and disaster cards were pulled, if a disaster card was pulled and says your tectonic plate you loose a life. The last to survive wins.

i sadly don’t have any photos of the game right now but ill update this post when/if I get them.