October 9

This is us

Hey welcome back! this summer was long and this project felt longer, but I digress. This project was all about learning about other peoples stories. We started by reviewing a little bit about the confederation and we learnt a little about the charter rights. We chose topics that represent canadian identity

The topic I chose for the canadian identity was canadian films. The driving question I made for myself was “How is film part of our identity?”. I made my own need to knows and I did my own research on the topic so I could eventually present it to a small group. The groups we were put into had a similar topic at first, then for the second group it was unrelated topic. So for my groups I had Jackson, Charlie M, Daniel, Frankie, and Luca . For the second group I was with Keaton, Keenan, Ronan, and Sofia. (Un)Fortunately I was at outdoor school for councillor training that weekend so I couldn’t have done much research other than the 2-3 days we had in class so I felt a little behind when we had to present. I think the second presentation went better than the first though because I felt like it went smoother and I kinda knew what I was doing there.

The project didn’t end there though, we held a human library. A summary of a human library is it’s basically a bunch of people talking about their stories and experiences in their own life. The person I brought was my step-grandpa. He grew up in Bulgaria and he lost his thumb while climbing so he avoided the draft. He then went on what he called “a permanent vacation”, the government let him go on a vacation to Greece and he just never went back to Bulgaria. He then had 3 options on where to immigrate to and (like I mentioned earlier) the 2 places he wanted to go to most accepted him and he chose to go to Saskatchewan, Canada instead of South Africa. From Saskatchewan he then moved up to Yellowknife in NWT where he just barely scraped by with his wife. He now owns a company and is pretty comfortable where he is in life now.

Other people of course brought who they could and who had a unique experience as a canadian (or something like that). Of course if I had the photos that Charlie took at the time of writing this I would use them but the timing is just unfortunately off and this is due tomorrow so I’m not waiting. Anyways have a nice day, Byyyyeee.