Hello, I’m Matteo.

I’m a person who does too much.



Science but it’s in PLP which means we use iPads instead of paper.

Sparks Fly! ⚡️

Hey Everybody, today I’ll be talking about our last science project of 2023, Sparks Fly! Sparks Fly was a mini project we did in the last few weeks of school before winter break, as you can imagine: This project was… Continue Reading →

Taking ChemHISTORY!

Hey everybody! Have any of you ever used chemicals to make different coloured fire? I have! Today I’m going to be talking about one of our latest Science Projects ChemHISTORY! In this project we focused on Chemistry and History (was… Continue Reading →

Matter does Matter

Greetings Friends and Foes!! Today, I will be writing about our latest science project, Mind Over Matter.  I’m going to start off by saying this was a more difficult project. I thought it was also really fun! Starting with the… Continue Reading →

Though they are small, they are mighty! 🦠

Ello Everyone!! First blog post in a while; last was MPoLs. Anyway, for the last month or so, we have been doing our first science project with Ms. Kadi. The specific project was “small but mighty!” Where we learned about… Continue Reading →

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