My learning portfolio post

Hello everyone! My name is Monica and I am a PLP learner! PLP stands for performance learning program, and is a special  program designed to give us the best learning experience that we can have! But now for the big question: Who am I as a PLP learner?

I am a very positive person, and I like to put all my effort into my work, whether it’s in a classroom, playing sports, or even doing chores! I don’t really enjoy talking about myself, as I am not really ever sure what to say, but I’ll do my best!

Before I tell you who I am as a PLP learner, I should tell you who I am as a person first! I love to play sports (as previously mentioned), go for walks, play with my dog, and do a number of other activities that I will spare you, for your sake. Still, I am very passionate about the things that I enjoy doing, and am very excited about PLP!

Now, to reflect on some of the projects that I have done previously. Some projects that we have done so far include the Big Life Journal, our User Manuals, and our laptop Memojis. Our Big Life Journal is a project that really lets us express what our hopes, dreams, passions, ambitions and plans for the future are. It is a very customizable project that I really enjoyed, and spent a lot of time working on. Some things that I really enjoyed from this project was the dream board, which let you showcase what you are passionate about, and what you want to accomplish! Another one that I would like to mention would definitely be the bucket list, which, if I’m going to be honest with you, was amazing. It let me put down whatever I wanted, and it really let me be myself and include a bunch of humour (another thing you should know about non-PLP me: I think that I’m funny)

Our user manuals were a project in which we wrote user manuals for ourselves, as if we were a piece of machinery. We began by talking about what we liked, what functions we came with, and some things we did not respond well to. We also included Settings, which was definitely my favourite part of the project. We got to talk about what different settings we included, and really got the chance to personalize them however we wanted. And finally, we wrapped it up with some things that we really enjoy. I said many times that I love to have interesting conversations, and it’s true. Again, I really loved the personalization that comes with doing this kind of project, and I think that it’s very important to do this kind of project in school.

And finally, our Laptop Memojis. Even though the Big Life Journal was definitely my favourite project, this one came as a close second. The Laptop Memoji project was something where we could create our own emoji and personalize it to look like us, and then use the laptop emoji to create our own personalized computers!  We got to add stickers using a number of different techniques, including grabbing pictures from the internet! It was really fun because we could put whatever we wanted on our laptops, as long as it represented us! I put some of my favourite things on it, which included a book, a character from one of my favourite tv shows, and a picture I took. Overall, it was a super fun project and I loved the part about letting us add whatever we wanted to (if it was school appropriate). 

Before I wrap this up, I would like to talk a little bit more about what PLP means. To be a PLP learner means to that we get to experience things that you wouldn’t get from a typical education, and to work on things that have real world connections. It’s a great way to learn about having a growth mindset and being ready to do anything. We get to do things that will actually help us when we graduate, as apposed to the typical school experience. Overall, I think that it’s a great approach to learning, and I am very excited to grow as a person and a learner through this wonderful program!

Looking back on all my projects, I think that my journey as a PLP learner is off to a great start! Even though I don’t really have a perfect idea of what kind of a student I am now, I know that through enough experience, I will be able to look back on this and know exactly what kind of learner I am! I am really looking forward to what projects are to come, and how I am one day going to look back on this blog post and laugh. Well, that’s all for now. Thank you for visiting my blog!