A Show For Nerds (And The Socially Elite)

For this project, I have chosen the Umbrella Academy. It’s a tv show based on a comic book series. It’s a comedy/action adventure about a group of thirty year old siblings who are burdened with the ultimate task: Find out how to save the world in ten days. 

Number five, the eldest sibling, has the ability to travel through space. When he was still in training, he decided that he was going to do the impossible: travel through time. However, despite achieving his goal, he got stuck in a post apocalyptic future for decades, left with only the knowledge of the date that the world met it’s end.

The story is set in 2019, in which the rest of the Umbrella Academy are living their lives as usual, despite the sudden death of their father, Reginald Hargreeves. Number five disappeared when they were kids, so they have stopped worrying about him, and have accepted that he has been lost in time, never to return. But when he suddenly appears, seventeen years after he went missing, they understand that something is coming. They must band together, despite their differences, and find out what causes the apocalypse, or everyone they know and love will die.

Now that I’ve finished with the plot summary, I’d like to talk about why I like the Umbrella Academy. It’s incredibly funny and does an amazing job of showing what’s going through the main character’s heads at any given moment. It shows how their powers interfere with their daily lives, and what paths they have gone down after their time at the academy. I love how the plot twists and turns and keeps you asking questions, and is the most engaging show that i’ve ever watched. 

There are three seasons out right now, and I won’t mention the second or third seasons, mainly because I don’t want to confuse you too much (I also like to add that the third season is terrible and can disappear for good). The first season of the show was released in 2019, which is a very important landmark throughout the show, as they are constantly trying to find a way back to their original timeline. 

People often ask if it’s really as good as people say it is, and I would definately say yes on that one. Here are some questions that I will answer for you:

-Is it really worth it to watch this TV show? 

Yes. It’s unlike any other show that exists, and is absolutely one of a kind. It’s funny, clever, and a little dark at some times, but never stops being amazing.

-Isn’t it a little bit dark? Is it really age apropriate?

It can be dark, but it’s meant in a funny way. You have to be ready for a little bit of content, but in the end, it’s all worth it.

To summarize, I am a total geek who loves to watch TV. However, I have no issue with this, as my self esteem is practically non-existant. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!