All forms of Humanities were lost in Alberta

Hey, it’s me again. 

Ever hiked over 30 kilometres over three days with 25 other people? And simultaneously made 4 cinematic videos and a whole book?

No? Yes?

Well I have, and that’s all that matters.

Anyways, on a more serious note, we went to Banff to figure out how the geography of the west has shaped who we are, and most obviously since I’m writing about it, I have an answer.


You want it now?

You can’t read through another 2 minutes of my writing? It’s that bad?

Wooooow. The 21st century at its finest.

Well, if you need the answer thaat bad, just scroll.

Go do it. I know you want to you lazy lazerson.

Anyways, now that there’s no-one reading except for the teacher reviewing this, (hi Ms. McWilliam or Mr. Harris or Ms. Kadi.) I can write the actual cool stuff.

Let’s start with the learning. We learnt mainly about the CPR, and people that affected it, like Andrew Onderdonk, who was responsible for the “hiring” of most the Chinese labourers.

Another person that was really important to the CPR was “the right honourable” John A. Macdonald, who was the prime minister at the start of the CPR, and the one who started the idea, but left office due to a scandal about accepting bribes, and eventually was re-elected into office.

Next we had Sir Sandford Fleming, who played a major role in surveying land for the CPR.

Now that we know ALL of that history, it’s time to look ahead again, and think about how what these men in 1885 did to impact us today.

Like I said earlier, we went to ‘Berta to think about the impacts geography has on us, and how we think and perceive things. I’ll be putting my multi-touch book, which is a record, reflection and general thinking place on and about this field study

Give that a quick read if you can, as it is kinda the main assignment over both maker and humanities, and it’s also what I’ll be talking about in this paragraph.

The book can be broken up into a few segments, those being

  • Introduction
  • Comic Life
  • Reflections
  • Maker videos
  • About me

To go more in depth on that, this project the driving question for humanities was

How does the geography of the west shape who we are?

So this driving question focused a lot around geography and themes of worldview, which are relatively involved with eachother, because worldview is shaped mainly by where you come from, and where you come from is shaped by geography. A lot of the stuff that’s more involved was done in maker, which you can check out here. In humanities we made a comic  page to display the 5 themes of geography, you can look at it in my multi-touch book that’s back a bit. I took all the photos in it, as that was a requirement, and while I was on the trip it was interesting to think about how I could use different photos for this assignment.

Now it’s time for the less serious stuff, photos!

And because I’m nice, and not at all because I couldn’t narrow it down to 5, I included 10 more photos here for you.

P.S. btw, for you camera nerds, I shot on a NIKON D3000, mainly with a manual focus 70-210mm f/4-f/22 lens with a UV filter.

Thank you so much for reading this blog post! Have a good rest of your day, night, twilight, whatever it is, have fun and be happy.


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