Hey guys, me again, with a bit more to talk about than usual. This blog will be the start of me trying to be more professional and smarter with my blog. I’ve found that how I’ve been writing previously has not been portraying myself how I want to. This was spurred on by our most […]
Author: parkerl
Yes I’m Canadian, how’d you know?
Have you ever had your school force you to do hard labour without pay, fly a $500 flag, make a “Zine” (please read it as zeen before Ms. Mc takes my kneecaps), talk to a president of a legion, and teach you how to take notes? No? Just the notes part? I’m weird for the […]
TPoL ‘24!
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and […]
In the Name of Nationalism
“How did Mahatma Ghandi, England, and 1910 British Columbia lead to a rocket on the moon?” -me, April 30th, approx. 8:30 P.M. This PLP project we learnt why people kill each other, kinda. We learnt about nationalism in the context of war and uprising. Specifically I focused on Indian nationalism. Seeing how this is a […]
MPoL ‘24!
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and […]
Harambe, Stop Monkeying Around!
Have you ever ripped the head off a stuffie, like Sid from toy story? I have, 3/10 would not massacre again. Anyways, welcome back, or to, my blog. This post specifically is about my most recent humanities project, Rise of the Frankenstuffies. Anyways, considering this is a “reflective post” let’s get on that reflection part. […]
If I don’t finish D.I. I’m Gonna D.I.E.
Destination Imagination /ˌdestəˈnāSHən / /iˌmajəˈnāSH(ə)n/ Noun A nonprofit with the goal of increasing the next generation’s creative and critical thinking, collaboration, and idea generation skills. ”Sorry bro I gotta do my Destination Imagination homework.” Similar: PLP’s biggest barrier, The Most Stressful Project As you might be able to guess from title, this blog post is […]
The Trial(s) of Louis Riel
Hi everyone it’s me again, your probably not but maybe favourite PLP learner. I’m here today to talk about the Riel deal, Louis Riel. haha you probably heard that before if you read Finn’s blog, but I didn’t plagiarize it, there was just some parallel thinking (which is a really interesting concept look it up.) […]
For Mother Russia! Winter Exhibition 2023/24
Privyet Comrades, today I come to speak the glory of Mother Russia and how she was changed forever. Okay now that you’re done reading that in a thick Russian accent, let’s get a quick summary of what we did. This winter exhibition we made what Mrs. McWilliams christened “metaphor machines” which are Rube Goldberg machines […]
How Loon Lake Changed my Life
Hey everyone, it’s me again. For this blog post, I’ll be talking about my experiences at Loon Lake, which is a UBC testing forest in maple wood B.C. You’re probably thinking, “PaRkEr YoU aLrEaDy WeNt On A fIeLd StUdY tHiS yEaR” And to that I say, “yeah” We had another one, because of course we […]