The last project of the year. Other projects were fun. But not as fun as this one. In this project we were supposed to make a comic that answers the driving qeustion “how do cells and diseases interact i think i did a pretty good comic because i put all the information i learned into that comic and it turned out pretty hard to read because of all the big words i wouldn’t have understood with out this project. My answer to the driving qeustion is “they interact in many ways put diseases and cells usually don’t interact in a good way for them because usually many cells die in the process but without this mass killing of cells we wouldn’t be a Irving species today. Now I’m sure you would love to see my project so here it is. 

Now lets talk about core competencies. Scientific communication: communicate ideas, findings, and solutions to problems using scientific language, representations, and digital technologies. I used a lot of these competencies in my comic book because i used scientific words to communicate my learning and i communicated not only my learning but also my ideas and findings. I also created solutions using scientific language representation and digital technologies in my writing and drawings. I especially used communication in total by talking about the disease i chose in my comic. I can prove all of this using my comic which is above. Personally i was really interested in diseases and cells. I can prove this because of everything i learned from researching for a while everyday. I tried my hardest during class time to get my comic done. And i am sure i used the correct vocabulary and accurate diagrams in my comic. And i included over 25 interesting vocabulary words in my project. All of the characters and viruses in my project have accurate drawings and anything’s else in my project has a logical outcome. I also included symptoms upon other things in my project.

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