Music Making (SBC#2021)

Welcome to day 6 of the student blogging challenge! For this challenge, we were assigned to pick 3 of eight topics to right abut all involving music! To start things off I chose to talk to you about the instrument I play on a daily basis. For those wondering i play the drum kit. They include a high hat, ride simple, crash simple, toms, bass drum, and the snare. The job of a drum kit is to keep the tempo and add some really cool sounds to the music. Without a drum kit or any sort of percussion you would lose the tempo of the song quickly and would need to start over. The drum kit is one of the most important parts of a band and in my opinion has one of the biggest jobs in the band. Your in charge of the tempo, and basically if you mess up the band messes up. The second thing I chose to do is to do a google docs survey to ask you about your thoughts on music, you can find the form here. The last part I chose to do is to make some music, you may think “Music is easy to make!”, well I’m here to tell you its not the case. Songs can take months to produce depending on what tools you use to create it and its way harder then you think to make music! It takes lots of thinking composing and not to mention if your a one man show you must make all the music ur self. I made a short little song for this blog today. You can find this short song by clicking here (Its a remake of Billie Eilish Bad Guy) . And thats it! Thanks for checking out day six of the student blogging challenge 2021 and ill see you in the next one.



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