TPOL (Grade 10)


Hello, and welcome to the end of grade 10. This year was a challenge, to say the least, but it was also a year of technological growth, travel, and future planning. From the very beginning of grade 10, to the end, every project brought up new concepts and information that I now better understand how it all links together in my learning plan. Before we jump into my TPOL, let me state the POL declaration, and statement of learning intent.

POL Declaration:

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.” 

Statement of learning intent:

This school year, I want to understand how to better communicate and represent my ideas in my writing, articulate my ideas by improving my grammar skills, and to understand how to effectively use and show my ideas in my work so others can better understand me. Finally, I would like to know how to collaborate with others in an effective and positive way. My to-do list for this term is to show more of myself in my work and projects by expressing my own thoughts and opinions, by not reading off what other people think, and finally, I want to give voice to my ideas by doing my own thing.

How I planned my year to look like learning wise:



Humanities this year was full of history and current events. Earlier in the year, we had a project that related to World War I; called The Chinese Head Tax. This project included group work, design process, and presentation. This project connected to all the aspects of my growth plan that I wanted to improve on for grade 10. Looking back at my Head Tax blog post, not only did I collaborate effectively with peers, but I also used technology that was readably available to me. For instance, I used my 3D printer to print our monument, showing my ability to design, use technology to my advantage, and negotiate with fellow peers. Overall, this project ticked all the boxes I had marked on my growth plan, and I feel I improved on all aspects listed above as shown in our Winter Exhibition. Winter exhibition blog post:

The Chinese Head Tax/Winter Exhibition


Moving forward, maker this year was the most fun and collaborative class this year by far. Not only did we make podcasts, but we also went to Florida, visiting Disney World and NASA. More specifically, I really enjoyed the Florida project as it not only included group work, but video editing and design process, all of which were things I wanted to improve on in Maker this year.
Florida blog post: 

The Magic Of Disney Entertainment (Florida Reflection Post)

Moving onto podcasting, our final project this year was about podcasts. This was the most technologically advanced project I had done this year. Instead of using my iPad to record audio, I decided to go the extra mile and hook up an audio interface with studio microphones in the band room to create a great listening experience. Adding onto this, I decided to focus mainly on sound design with my podcast as music is a passion I find most enjoyable. I showcased my ability to collaborate, design, and orchestrate throughout this project.

Podcast Link:

Click Here

Podcast Cover Art:

Podcast Business Cards:

Personal Growth Plan (PGP):

PGP this year was probably the most important class I have ever taken in PLP. PGP helped me figure out who I am, but most importantly, what I want to do with my life. To start things off, let’s take a look at my latest PGP project: Marketing Myself Blog Post: 

Planning my future (PGP)

This project helped me solidify a resume I am confident in and also helped me curate my interview skills. This project helped me design and create budgeting plans and helped me create business cards. I gained the ability to research and narrow down future jobs I want, and what steps I need to take to attain these careers. Our very last careers’ activity was a stock market simulator. This helped me develop and strengthen my critical thinking skills, as well as my reflection skills, as proven by my weekly reflections I made for my stock market simulator. 

How I Was Going To Achieve This Plan: 

Next Steps:

So, now that we have drawn the conclusion that I have accomplished the majority of my goals for grade 10, whats next? How is grade 11 going to further strengthen my ability to learn, and collaborate. Well, I seem to be satisfied with the goals I had for grade 10, and I feel I can improve even more on these goals. For starters, technology has played a significant role in my quality of work. For example, when AI first started to become popular and useful, I used it for a ton of work, and it was not good. I was feeling bad about my quality of work, and I now feel that if I instead don’t use AI to do the work for me, I can use AI to curate my work instead. This brings me to the answer, next year I want to further develop my own writing style, and express it more into my work, instead of using AI to it for me. I want to be able to write up an essay, and use AI to help aid me into a final product instead of using AI only to do it for me. This will be my main focus for next year across all aspects of PLP.


In conclusion, although this year was by far the most academically challenging year, I learned a lot about myself, and my peers. Through the Florida trip, and Loon Lake I got to understand a lot about my peers, and overall strengthen the collaborative aspect of my learning plan. I am overall happy with the outcome of this year, and I can’t wait to further concrete my now new understandings of what teamwork is about, and how technology can be used beneficially. Thanks for reading my TPOL, and I’ll see you in the next blog.

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