DI. The two most important letters in my life.

After an exhilarating regionals, and a humbling provincials, I have arrived here, writing my blog post. Writing to you now is a new person, enlightened by the experience of BC DI 2024. 

If you are reading this after having seen my regionals blog post, the outcome of provincials may be a surprise to you, but I got to give it to the groups that hustled and vastly improved their solution for provincials. One group, J.J.J.A.A.M won at provincials, and it was probably from their dance. I saw them rehearsing, and it was really good, I wish I could have seen it on the big stage. This is what we lacked. The next steps.

After regionals we didn’t do all that much. We added some wood to direct the ball better, a bigger switch, and some lights to wrap around the pinball machine. The script remained unchanged. So, for the goals set after regionals, there were some improvements, but nothing revolutionary. 

How did the play go? Well, in regionals I mentioned in the earlier post how our acting was on point. This was not so much the case for provincials. We did our play, but with some complications with the lights, the pinball not hitting the switch and my drumming being way too loud, we did not have a clean performance. I think all the mishaps led to us all being a little distracted or even jarred dare I say. Definitely think we did better in regionals.

If you’re wondering what happened with the lights, at some point carrying the pinball machine to the stage, we must’ve bumped into something, and the cable broke. It wasn’t hanging out or anything, it was circled around the pinball machine. We didn’t notice until later, so there was some shock during the play. 

Concluding 2024 DI

Having the nines in our groups was an experience, and one good for learning. We had some more expectations to be ‘leaders’, and other such terms, and some tens had things to say about that, but I think it was fine. Leadership doesn’t always mean a lot of work, just always knowing what to do, and how to help. I’d much rather be a lazy leader, than a working follower. 

I was definitely challenged when it came to my individual responsibilities such as the forms work. I found out about the forms for regionals with less than 5 days before they were due, and did not understand much. Thanks to Ms Willemse for that one, I could not have done those without her guidance. 

I’m happy with how the whole project went and I’m glad to have met the grade 9’s on my team.

As the curtain falls on Destination Imagination, let’s remember: 

Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.