Humanities Maker

I Have Pride and Loyalty To These Videos

Welcome to my latest, biggest, and (possibly?) greatest blog post yet. 4 weeks, 10 milestones, 6 videos. Yes, it was a lot. We started right away. Our first video was a interview with our parents about nationalism. Wait a second, what in the world is nationalism? Thank you John Green. Okay, now you know a […]

Humanities Maker

Let’s Combine Stuffed Animals and Talk About The Industrial Revolution!

This post is dedicated to Keenan’s frog. HELLO INCREDIBLE BLOG READERS!! In this post I will be talking about our latest and probably our most unique project that we have done, The Rise of the Frankenstuffies! Yes, you read that right. The Frankenstuffies are indeed rising. Let’s start with our driving question. This question is […]

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