Student Blogging Challenge

Student Blogging Challenge Week 8

Hello! For this week in the SBC, we had to do a bit of a reflection on our blogging challenge experience. It was our last week, so we reflected on the whole challenge. I made some charts to show different things, from comments, to my enjoyment of that week. It was very fascinating to see […]

Student Blogging Challenge

Student Blogging Challenge Week 6!

Hello! For this week, our challenge was emojis. I am a big fan of emojis. I probably use them to much, but they are helpful. A picture can say a thousand words! Wow, that was cheesy. I decided to do 3 task options. Here we gooooo! Our first challenge was Emoji Math. I have seen […]

Student Blogging Challenge

Woah…It’s Student Blogging Challenge Week 5!

Hello! Isn’t it crazy that we are already halfway through the Student Blogging Challenge? That’s crazy to me. Anyways, for this week, our theme was Music. We had eight task choices, and we could chose to go three or more of them. I chose to do the music quiz, the music survey, and the music […]

Student Blogging Challenge

Woah…It’s Student Blogging Challenge Week 4!

Hello! For the Student Blogging Challenge this week, we got to chose whatever topic you want. At first, I was a bit hesitant, because there are so many things I could write about. Then, I got the perfect idea. This week, it is Halloween! Halloween is one of my favourite holidays, and I love to […]

Student Blogging Challenge

Woah…It’s Student Blogging Challenge Week 3!

Hi! It’s Amy For the first task of the  Student Blogging Challenge Week 3, we had to write a post about copyright rules. This is a very important topic that not many people know about, so here is some more information on it! Copyright is a  law that protects original work.  A work includes literary, […]

Student Blogging Challenge

Woah…It’s A Post About Comments I Have Left!

For this part of the task, we had to comment on 3 other peoples blogs, and write about our experience. Here we goooo!   The first blog that I visited was Mia’s. I thought that it was really cool that she lived on a farm. I asked her about the animals that she had. She mentioned […]

Student Blogging Challenge

Woah…It’s A Post About My Avatar!

Hello! I’m Amy. This is my post about my avatar. I chose to do my avatar in Bitmoji. I felt like Bitmoji had the best tools to create a face, and I just liked how it looked better than some of the other programs. I also thought that Bitmoji had the most selection in terms […]

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