Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. This post is about the class PGP or Personal Growth Plan. This is the fancy PLP version of careers, and today we will be going over one of our first projects, which is all about marketing ourselves.

This project isn’t really that similar to any of the other ones that we have done this year. There isn’t really an end product, but instead a bunch of smaller things that we would be creating. The three main things that we created over the course of this project are a resume, a business card, and a mock interview. All of these things are meant to market ourselves to potential employers. Let’s get into it.

The first thing that we made was our resume. Because I have never worked a job before, I didn’t have any experience creating a resume or marketing myself at all. We went through a short checklist of things that we needed to have in our resume and then started creating. I don’t really like my resume all that much, but it gets the point across. I don’t have any work experience, so I mainly talked about my extracurricular activities and used those to showcase my leadership, teamwork, and communication skills.

The next thing we did was our business cards. This was even easier than the resume, purely because there was less things to put on it. After going through a similar checklist as the resume, we started making our business cards. There were tons of templates to choose from in Canva, so we all picked one we liked and played around with it. This is how my business cards turned out

Finally, we created a mock interview. This wasn’t really something that could be used to market ourself, but was more meant as practice for when the time comes to interview for a job. I did my mock interview with Sylas. We both asked each other questions that could appear in a job interview, and then answered them. Sadly, you won’t be able to watch our mock interview.

And that was it. This was a pretty short project, and one that didn’t take too much effort. It was interesting to see how the job market works and our place in it. I am happy that we made something in this class that could actually be used outside of school if we ever want to. This project was quite useful and I enjoyed going though the things we did. I also enjoyed thinking about what jobs I might like to have and what I might want to do in the future. Anyways, thanks for reading this post, and have a great day. 

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