How Was School Today?

Have you asked your child the above question yet? I’m curious about how our students might answer that question.

Today was our first full day in school for students in grades 1 to 7. The Kindergarten students are on a gradual entry plan.

Some children will be at home sharing sad stories – “I”m never in my friend’s class.” “I know nobody in my class.” “All the cool kids are in that class.” “I wanted to be with that teacher.”

Other children will be excited – “I love my class.” “I am finally in a class with my friends.” “My class got gym today.” “I love school.”

My favourite answer of course is the one children all over the world may answer when their parents ask, “What happened at school today?” To which the child replies, “Nothing.”

We prepared students today by asking them to focus on the wonderful opportunities that come in a new class. You can connect with people you did not connect to last year. You can look for positive qualities in all your classmates. You can still meet your friends for recess and lunch time.

If you find yourself with a sad child, try and help him/her find a positive to focus on. There is always something good. When we look for positives, it is amazing how often we can find it. The more we practice focusing on the positive, the easier it becomes to find.

My school day was spent wandering around the school, checking in on our students. I spoke to a few parents outside, I greeted many new Kindergarten students, and found a small stuffed toy horse in the gym. I kept an eye out for tears (there were some) and I watched for positive energy (there was a lot of that). We have 20 divisions this year, and approximately 4I think I visited each class at least twice.

On my travels, I would often meet up with Mrs Orr (Vice-Principal) who was also visiting classes and checking in on many students. Once again we are both trying to memorize all our student names. She’s good. I think she might get beat me again this year.

We were also visited in our offices today by our new Kindergarten students. Almost all of them had the chance to meet us, as well as meet the ladies in the office; Mrs. Devlin, Mrs. Galpin and Mme Scotto. Our favourite question of the day came from one student who asked when he got to the office, “Is this where homeless people live?” (No.)

Recess and lunch went well, although someone already put a ball on the roof. The forest areas were full, man-hunt games started, and there was a large group of grade 5 girls on top of the space net.

How was school today?

Great. Awesome. Wonderful.

Thanks for asking.

Take care.