Almost Done My Steampunk Project, Eh

Yah, so I’m almost done my project that I have been doing with a couple other people, we are just trying to finish are first draft of the project which is a big metaphor machine that explains the Xinhai revolution, but it also has to be a Rube Goldberg Machine, which is a machine that makes the simplist action as complex as possible, Im sure if you saw one you would know what I was talking about. So here is a video of one.

That one is insanely elaborate and ares isn’t quite that amazing but were hoping that it will be cool like that one.


Anyways, we’ve been working on multiple different things such as the actual machine, the parts, painting and having to do the storyboard. The story board took quite awhile and everyone had to pitch to finish it. With actual machine weve been spray painting just about everything. One of our group members got really good at this thing called 3D pen which is basically a fat pen that you insert these coloured plastic solid strings basically and it warms the plastic up so that it bends and you can draw and stuff with it, if your confused here is a time lapse of him doing it.


Another thing we did was this giant timeline about the Xinhai revolution and that took forever here is a little bit of only tons of stuff we did on it.

(Videos are not loading Ill fix it ASAP)

Here’s how it turned out.


Currently we are rushing to finish it and moving as fast as we can to finish this project putting everything together as fast as possible.

Gooodbye and have a good day eh!