Welcome to… Confederation! This project was solely focused on Canadian history, specifically the creation and acceptance of confederation in Canada. I will be going over the most important parts of this project. This project was going to work up to us making a commercial about what we want if we join confederation.

The most important part of this entire project to me, was the preliminary proposals of demands form.

*form here*

This section was super important because some of the first demands were really bad. They didn’t make any sense. So, when we got the chance to talk about our first proposals in front of the other groups, we got to see the response firsthand. After seeing the response to some of our demands, we knew that they were never going to work, so we went back to the drawing board. After thinking of a few more demands, we finally settled on some that worked for us.

They were:

Equal parliamentary representation,

Fort Albany as capital of Canada,

Free market economy,

No restrictions on guns,

A bigger port for P.I.

Next, is probably my favourite skill that I learned. This wasn’t really a milestone but, without this skill we wouldn’t have been able to make our video. Our commercial that we were going to present had to have a green screen background. So, my group being the super goofy and enthusiastic group that we are, had some fun. Because of our strict timeline, we did actually work quite hard when filming. However, we did film a couple of bloopers reels and mess around a little bit. Anyways, the green screen was super fun to use and it was quite helpful in the end.

May I present to you, our commercial:

Also, please visit my group members here: