Something about trade?

It’s over. Both the project and the quarter

This projects actually name is “the more things change🦫” with the driving question being “what did European settlement mean fort all the people involved?” And to just give it to you straight this is my answer…

For that to be the finish product it took waaaayyy to long, but I guess it all showed in the end

It’s started a long log time ago, in the same seat I sat in today while writing this


 It’s was march 29 and our class had just return form our spring break (NO SCHOOL🥳), (always nice to have a break, you know) anyway… by 10 o’clock that morning, our brains were already hard at work trying to confine all this information Mrs.Maxwell and Mrs.willemse were giving us about the fur trade, deep coves heritage, continuity (to stay the same) and change (to change)

Milestone 1 reflection

Way back then non of us had a huge understanding of continuity and change but that changed quite quickly 


In the next week or so we were assigned partners, to i guess help us even our the enormous workload, (they gave us a choice obviously but I didn’t really care tbh.) I got Sara, she was great (except for when she didn’t give me a cracker😩)

In the next couple of weeks after that we did a lot of other activities to gain a better understanding of everything; continuity and change, went into more detail about the fur trade, learned what on earth an infographic is, and learned how and what evidence is.


And then next was (what I would say) on of the more challenging parts of the project …

stating our source. For literally everything.

for our; notes, Infographic itself, more notes and of course for every milestone sources were used/necessary

it took us a while stating; book titles, website links, youtube video details etc.

After that was a huge flood of graphic work.

so many revisions, so much drawing over photos over and over again

took a lot of work.


And then it was straight forward from there, next was just; the QR code, printing, the last milestone🥳 and photo📸

Ft. The recycling bin ♻️


⬅️Sara     Me➡️


~~ if you happen to go to seycove, feel free to walk by the PLP room and check out everyone’s info graphics and try and scan a couple QR code’s and check our that they have to say ~~


Hannah 🧃🍫🍈🧋🥨🍋🍆




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