Hello everybody and welcome to Izzy’s first ever blog post as a grade 10. I’m sure you’re all very excited as this is a very significant event much like all the significant events we learned about in our first unit of the year. We focused on the interwar years and what made certain events during those years significant. To do this every student was tasked with writing an essay about a particular topic from these years. I originally wanted to write about the growth of communism in Russia, but after Gabby wanted it I decided to do mine on the League of Nations. Since I have an interest in politics and government it actually worked out quite well and I found it really interesting.

This is the link to my entire essay which you can feel free to skip but if you are interested in what my final product was and maybe want to learn some stuff about the League of Nations go for it.

Now before just starting our essays we had to do a lot of stepping stones to learn more about this time period. Some of my favourite classes were learning about the roaring 20s, making short keynotes about a significant person, and understanding more about our own government and the 2019 Canadian Election. For my significant person keynote I did research about Woodrow Wilson who founded the League of Nations. His story was really interesting and learning about him really helped me understand the leagues creation and a little bit as to why it fell apart. In my opinion if he would’ve joined the league, which he did not, it would’ve gone a lot smoother.  Since this history isn’t that old I had heard about it before and it was cool to fully understand everything. Also if we didn’t talk about the Canadian election in class I don’t think I would’ve had much interest in its at all. However, I watched the broadcast as it was happening and was really into what was going on and who the candidates were. Here are some of the things I created in class that I like.

Now for the actual project part we had to do our research, make an annotated bibliography, an outline, and a first, second, and third draft. This entire process went on throughout the whole project and in the end we got to present our knowledge in whatever way we liked. Since we all wrote essays we couldn’t exactly just present by reading the entire thing to the class. Instead we each got to be a teacher for 10 minutes and teach the class about our topic in any way we could think of. I decided to make a Kahoot because they are my favourite things to do as a student. I believe my “class” went well as most people got my questions right meaning they hopefully learned a little bit about the League of Nations.

I think this unit was really good for me because it was my first experience writing an essay and I think by the time I got to my final draft it was really strong. I also was very interested in these times as in my opinion the time period from the beginning of WWI to the end of WWII is the most significant time period because it has shaped the world today on so many levels. These two wars define the 20th century and learning about them and the years between really helps explain why certain things are the way they are. Another reason why I enjoyed this unit was because it was very self led and a nice introduction to grade 10. As long as we had a good schedule and kept on top of everything we didn’t have to stress about homework. That’s all for now, I’ll see you next unit!