The DI Online Tournament


The DI* provincials have been canceled because of the coronavirus.            Fortunately for us we have technology.                                                                                       *DI = Destination Imagination

The DI Provincials


My DI group had more or less all of our stuff at school over spring break. Before spring break there was still school and the we’re building everything back just a bit better than it had been in the regionals, there was not much about the coronavirus. We were building our bridge and more or less all of our stuff was ready, all we had to do then was practice so that our show would be as good as could be. But we never got back to school after spring break. This meant that after spring break we only had the script to start out with and even the script needed to be changed a bit so that it would suit our needs. So the first thing that happened was that Kate changed the script. Because of some Zoom meetings we knew just about what the script would be and I got an old bridge which I made out of popsicle sticks and hot glue out for the meeting. Randy also made a small bridge out of Pokémon cards and later Keenan made a bridge out of paper.

Once we had made our bridges we did some zoom meetings (one of which I couldn’t attend) to rehearse, we did the actual zoom call with the teachers and the people who would be assessing our score. It worked out quite well for the week we had to throw things together. The story worked and we all did our parts. The only thing was the instant challenge which was a literature challenge as I had expected and had even prepared for. I stupidly missed because of my wifi not working. I had to restart my IPad and when I did it was too late.

I should always check my wifi in advance.

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1 Response

  1. Judah (the epic cool man) says:

    Short and sweet, its just like a journal! Its a nice explanation of what you wasn’t through during DI and there aren’t any spelling mistakes that I could see, great job!

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