Thursday, September 28

Period 2 & 3

In class today:

We discussed the story the “Veldt” in our table groups and then as a large group

We started to work on our grammar.


Complete Grammar Lesson 33 (Not D)

Complete Lesson 34 All

Period 1

In class today:

-We peer marked “Sentry”.

-We started looking at theme in the story.

-we discussed how to write theme statements.

-students completed a theme statement for the story.


  1. Complete Lesson 27.

Wednesday, September 27

Period 5&6

In class today:

-We peer marked the “Sentry” questions.

-We discussed the story.

-We worked on/reviewed theme in our table groups.


  1. Create a theme statement for the story “Sentry.”  It should have your statement of theme and then specific support (a quote or example) from the story.
  2. Complete Lesson 27 (all) of the grammar.

Period 8

In class today:

-Students received their “Barney” questions back.

-Students worked on their assigned question from last class.  They shared answers and then wrote their responses on the board.

-We then discussed their answers.


-Complete Lessons 33 (not D) and 34