About me

Hello my name is Luciano, though my friends call me Luc. This is my blog, even though I usually don’t enjoy blogging.

This is usually not visited by anybody except my teacher as my classmates’ blogs are a lot better. (You should check them out.)

Anyways, I do really enjoy playing hockey and soccer. Although I also like other sports a lot. I also like following my favourite hockey team, the Calgary Flames. I tend to get extremely competitive whenever I play sports ( lots of people call me a try hard) which can be either good or bad. I like team sports more than individual ones as I can get really frustrated with myself.

Moving on, the only reason I like going to school is because my friends are there. My favourite classes are my spare (a spare is a free block) During which I have some more hockey training and P.E. Band is also pretty fun, I play percussion. I just play a bunch of background instruments most of the time.

My favourite foods are burritos and Colombian empanadas. Empanadas are deep fried corn bread with potatoes and meat inside. I, being a teenager, seem to have a pretty big appetite most of the time.

Well that’s just about it if you want to know about me. See you around.