Yay it’s 2017,
2016 has been a very interesting year. In class we saw the Google’s year in review video. It was an emotional video about the things that happened last year but why should you care?
Well one reason is because it showed all the important things that happened last year.

After watching it a few times I knew I didn’t recognize a few things. One thing I didn’t recognize was the space rocket that landed on the ocean. Well I found out that the space rocket that landed on the ocean is actually called a Space-x. The Space-x recently has exploded at the Space-x launch site but luckily there was no injuries. Explosions however did continue for several minutes after the initial blast. Some people miles away also reported they could feel the explosion.



During the video it was a surprising for me that their was a man wearing a black shirt that said free hugs. He was also holding up peace signs with his fingers✌🏽. It was mainly surprising because he was standing in front of a Police lineup. Well after looking into it it’s about a Free Hugs Campaign. The campaign is about ‘random act of kindness. Some people would go out into public places and offer free hugs to everyone. I find that amazing when they go give hugs to people to make their day better and I’m surprised I didn’t know about this.

If I had my own year in review that would relate to me I would have added going into high school. I would have added going into high school not just because we change schools from a smaller school to a bigger one and meet many people, but learning gets harder and develops more as well.