So recently in Maker Time/Planning 10 we started setting goals for the year or term. But these goals couldn’t just be your average “I want to be better at school”. These goals had to be S.M.A.R.T

Smart is an accronim for:

S: Specific

M: Measurable

A: Attainable

R: Rigourus

T: Timely

We had to make 3 smart goals. One for in school learning, one for out of school learning, and one for character growth. Due to the theme of the year for PLP 10 we had to make an audio file with our Goals on it.

For my Outside of school learning I pretty obviously went to my favourite sport Baseball and looked to find something I wanted to improve at. I decided I would really like to be able to throw a knuckleball as a consitent pitch. So for my goal I wrote: I would like to learn and perfect the knuckleball in baseball. I will track this by how often I can throw the pitch for a strike in 30 pitches.

For learning inside of school I touched on something in hockey academy. I decided I wanted to stop being late onto the ice (which happens not a whole lot but enough that it managed to help me get a B last year). Hockey academy does not mark super tough so you should always get an A. Anyways my goal for the year in hockey is to not be late for hockey, and to see if I’m doing well in this I can check my lates by term and see if it goes down.

In character growth I touched on one of my weakest classroom abilities, presenting. I have gotten better over these past two years but it’s not at the level I would like it to get to. For my goal I wrote: I would like to become more confident in public speaking and become a better presenter. I will record my speeches on my phone and analyze how I spoke, if it felt nervous or confident.