So recently in PLP we have been learning about the beginnings of WWI. We did a bit of research about what Europe looked like before the war and some possible reasons war began.

Our assignment was to make a thesis and a visual about one possible reason war started and explain why we believe that was the cause of war. My classmates Ethan, Bill and I decided that we believed that the Sarajevo Murder was the biggest cause of war. Here is our thesis: War would not have started if Ferdinand had not been murdered. This is because he was a powerful leader and really fought against war. Also he was murdered by a Serbian which made tensions between the two nations sky rocket. Therefore the war started because of Ferdinand being Murdered.

This is a second and final draft to an earlier video my group had made. The image used in the final draft stayed the same from the original however the original also had a second image. The original video was not much of a video as the image didn’t have any effect on it and the voice over was just our thesis without going in depth on any of the characters. We got a lot of feedback mostly to extend the video and have an effect in the image

Here is a better look at the image for those of you who wanted to see it better.