How can I effectively market myself?


How does oneself makes oneself? This is the question I have been trying to ask myself grade 8. In grade 8 I tried desperately however, I met severe failure. Every time I handed my resume and cover letter to a business I would always be met with not response. Even though I currently have a job that was through my connections rather than my ability to market myself. In general, this project taught me how to properly market my abilities and strength so I can better chances in getting a job in this economy.




Creating my final resume was only possible due to peer feedback. I had previously made a resume before this project however, it was quite not good and I’m glad that I was able to make a better version of my resume through this project. I think I did a great job seeking feedback using it to make improve the overall quality of my resume. Overall, this part of the project helped me create a professional and legit resume. 

Business Card:

Creating a business card was much more fun and exciting than I expected. For my business card I made many different designs including a funny design in order to see which one would be the best one. I believe that I really got be fully creative on this part of the project and got to see the different ways I could potentially market myself in the future. 

Templates Email:

Setting up an email template will make that I have a prepared email for businesses in the future. This way I wont stay up late at night last minute panicking wether this email is professional enough. This part of the project went by quite quick for me and I am really happy that I do not need to panic on cover letter anymore for future job submission.

Mock Interview:

Creating a mock interview was a very interesting experience. Me and my partner, Ava, wanted to do our own funny spin on the interview. I will not spoil the twist however, I think that it defiantly  adds to our interview and makes the viewing experience fun. However, we still follows the guidelines and I feel our interview is at least an extending due to the camera works and amazing shots. Overall, I had really fun time filming this interview and I think it turned out amazing in the end. 

Core Competence

Analyzing: I can identify, analyze, and represent supportable conclusions having evaluated relevance, authenticity, and bias from a variety of sources. 

I believe that I have fully met this competence in this project. This by analyzing my resumes and cover letter to see if it markets me successfully. Moreover, while making my resume and cover letter I asked for the opinions of other to make sure that I have relevant and clear data about myself. Additionally, in my resume I was able to identify my skills through asking my friends what they though I was good at. Overall, I think that I have fully demonstrating this competence in all my work. 


Overall, I think project will most defiantly benefit me in future. It has taught me the correct and proper way to market myself. This will help me be able to go into a jobs and hopefully get a response. Especially since I am currently planning on getting two jobs during the summer thus, I can save for college and retirement. This project has allowed me to able to gain money post-secondary.