(Insert Awesome Podcast Here)

Hello, internet.

So, three days into the new school year, we took a class trip to Camp Capilano, a place I haven’t been for several years. Camp Capilano, which is about a twenty minute drive from our school, and where we stayed for one night, basically consists of two dorm rooms full of bunk beds, a kitchen, a common room, a dining room, and a pool, and is pretty much surrounded by forest except for the house of the people who own the place.

We went away both as a class bonding activity, and to give us a chance to do some assignments with audio, which we’ll be focusing on this year. (In grade eight we worked mostly with still image, and in grade nine we worked with video.)

That being said, the first thing we did was to split off into groups and make videos. Specifically, we had to make “reality tv intros” that introduced ten characters in 45 seconds or less.

Later on, we took the premises from our videos and created short audio clips with the same goal of introducing ten characters. This was a little more difficult, since each group only had about five people, so we had to find ways to make distinctions between the different characters we voiced.

Our main project for the trip, however, was to, with a partner, make a four-minute audio clip that told a story about identity.

It took a while to come up with a suitable idea, but we eventually settled on a story about Ruby, who I was working with, first writing off and then learning to like musical theatre.

Once we had our idea, we wrote a script, recorded the audio, and discovered that it was only two minutes long.

At this point we went about trying to make it longer by adding more details into the story, wrapping things up at the end, and eventually adding background music which also acted as an intro and outro to the podcast.

This was our final result:


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