Star Wars blogpost

Hi there guys, this time on my wonderful blog I am going to write about our Star Wars mini maker project. This project was all about Star Wars. I know that’s a pretty wide topic so I’ll narrow it down for you guys. The assignment was to get an idea from Star Wars and incorporate into real life. My idea was the scenes of Star Wars, what I mean by this is I took all the settings in the movies figured out why the crew wanted to film there and made my own scene. My driving question for the project was ” how can I make my own scene that could have been in Star Wars”. So I did loads of research on all the scenes of Star Wars and tried to find my own scene I could use. After searching around the cove for a while with my dog I finally decide on my backyard. My yard is just a bunch of round pebbles with a tree in the middle. But this was in the beginning of winter so all the plants around the yard had started dying so this made it have a really alien look to it, and Star Wars is totally alien. So for my project I made an iMovie explaining why the Star Wars crew chose their settings and made my own scene. I haven’t talked about my scene yet so I’ll do that now. I thought for a while on what the best way would be took make a scene. Then after a lot of thinking an idea suddenly hit me, STOP MOTION. So I started planning my stop motion video. I asked our teacher to see if I could borrow her small green screen, and of course she said yes. So that was the scenery out of the way. Now I just needed to to make it interesting. I borrowed some Star Wars action figures off my friend and now I just needed to make it. It took ages, and by ages I mean 3 hours a day for 3 days. But I finally had it done and I thought the final project was pretty good. I learned loads of information about all the settings in the movies and they all have a lot of importance in the film, more than most people realize. I also learned how to make or create stop motion and I think in the future that could come in handy. I answered my question by doing lots of research hard work and lots of fun.

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