My Crazy Ones Essay

Hey everyone, I wanted to show you this essay I worked really hard on. I think that I did very well, because I spent a lot of time revising and rewriting it. The project we are doing right now is “Cray Cray Yay Yay”, in relation to Apple’s “Crazy Ones” campaign. The driving question for the project is “Why does it take a crazy person to change the world?” This essay is meant to help us answer that question.

The Essay:

What makes people and businesses “crazy”? Crazy ones are the ones who inspire people by breaking the glass that humanity sets up. Celebrating these individuals and businesses is crucial because they all represent the forefront of innovation and inspiration. They one hundred percent earned the name “Crazy Ones” – the gems of humanity who not only inspire us but also transform the world through their spirited actions. 

One extending business that embodies this spirit is Dick’s Drive-In. Famous for its exceptional treatment of employees, Dick’s stands as a shining star of responsibility and kindness. They pay their staff well above minimum wage, provide free medical and dental insurance, and even offer free meals for employees and their families (source). What makes this business even crazier is that all those are at entry-level jobs. Despite these many expenses, Dick’s is still affordable, with some of the lowest-priced food options in the United States. But just how does Dick’s keep this up? By managing costs and adjusting prices, they’ve maintained their affordability while keeping their extraordinary worker benefits. Furthermore, the fact that they stay open until 2 am helps many late-night workers get off shifts.

The Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) is another crazy thing that attracts the eye. When you first see the museum, you immediately notice the remarkably different architecture. What surprised me when I went in, was the fact that it seems the same on both the outside and inside. Unlike many traditional museums that may lose appeal after just a small amount of time, MoPOP uses interactive and interesting exhibits that will leave visitors star-struck for hours. This different approach to curating stems from the museum’s founder, Paul Allen, whose massive collection forms the backbone of MoPOP’s exhibits. By using diverse and interactive exhibits, MoPOP challenges the traditional museum model, redefining what art and culture mean (source).

Boeing demonstrates the huge potential of starting a risky business. This is because many people did not want to change or weren’t sure how the “airplane” thing was going to play out. Boeing was founded by two friends, with the company originally focused on mail delivery before switching to passengers (source). Boeing’s commitment to innovation and kindness toward customers pushed it to the front of aerospace engineering, leading to it being one of the biggest names in commercial aircraft manufacturing (source). Today, Boeing’s name is interchangeable with quality and reliability, proof of its long-lasting legacy of pushing boundaries and being crazy.

These “Crazy Ones” have majorly influenced me, inspiring me to use innovation and think outside of the box. Their kindness serves as a guide in my life, motivating me to be kind and reach for creative solutions. In conclusion, the “Crazy Ones” tell us that being crazy means daring to be different, fixing things that aren’t broken, and shattering the glass humanity sets up. While I continue on my journey throughout life, I know that if I have courage, innovation, and a commitment to excellence, we can definitely change the world.

That’s the essay! I will see you all in my next post which will hopefully be sometime in Spring Break, after a special presentation we’re doing. More on that later!

Bye and thank you!

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