Argh (DI)… Again?!?

DI. The word the strikes fear into the heart of any PLP learner. Or maybe…. Not? Destination Imagination, informally known as DI is a worldwide competition that students from all over the world compete in. It teaches us teamwork, collaboration, communication and above all time management. Two weeks ago, we competed in the regional tournament, coming in last place, which I think has taught us a whole bunch.

There are many reasons for this. First of all, we did not work and rehearse nearly enough leading up to the performance, we probably did about 10% of our work in the first 5 or so weeks and 90% in the last week. Our challenge was to create a pinball machine with an action/adventure story. It was called Pinball Heroes, and it was the technical challenge of this year. If you would like to read more about our challenge, you can do so here.

I think I did pick the challenge best for me, even though I may have picked the most difficult one. For our action-adventure story, we chose the Mario Brothers. In my random group, I got Magnus, Izzy, Jannik, and Logan. We all worked together decently well but could definitely improve on our communication.

Throughout the project, I felt like I was a good leader, being one of the two Grade 10s on the team. I organized meet-ups, to-dos and homework. I also worked on the pinball machine with Magnus and the three machine modules. I also worked on fixing the grammar in the script.

The biggest thing I learned throughout working in DI regionals was practice practice practice! It is the single most important thing almost ever for work. From practice comes work ethic, and communication, because when you practice, you can find out what goes wrong and communicate with your team on how to fix it, which takes work ethic!

On April 6th, which is a LOT sooner than I thought it was is DI provincials. My team and I are going to take a bit of a break during Spring Break, then come out swinging and come first in provincials!

Thank you so much for reading this short post, and I will update you after provincials!

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