(Disclaimer, I’m not)

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

Where do i start? With the good things and what I learned. This’ll include projects that I’m proud of, and generally stuff that I learned, like about New France.

I’ll start with humanities, so here goes.

Strengths: I’m surprisingly good at using an app called SuperimposeX, and i used that to make a triptych for my Renaissance project, I’ve also realized that it’s like photoshop, but better and easier to understand than photoshop, and in the end my triptych ended up looking better than if I had used any other apps to make it.


Stretches : Aargh Matey was a serious stretch, not for any lack of understanding, but for the simple fact the EVERYONE IN THE CLASS CALLED A FALCHION A CUTLASS, at that point it  was more like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Matey, so yeah, that really explains a lot about me and my learning, because, I expect everyone to know things,and when they don’t understand, I panic.

Growth: I think I’ve gotten better at Teamwork and Communication, because, at the beginning of the year, in becoming a PLP learner (I know, it was maker), we didn’t communicate very well, but in our Exhibition Prep, we worked really well

And Next is a question for our teachers, when will I need to know about the renaissance in the real world?

Next is Scimatics, and I really like the projects we do and how they put twists on stuff that would otherwise be boring

Strengths: I think that in Scimatics I’m really good with facts and asking questions, like when the teacher explains something, but something doesn’t seem right, I question it, and it might seem like I’m a know it all, but I think it helps my understand, and my love of science is still going strong,

Stretches: I get bored easily, and I think that that is the main reason I view French/Scimatics days as the “chill day”, but I think that I’ve gotten better at this from the beginning of the year, I also think that the projects have gotten more interesting as well.

Growth. I think I grew in my presentation of work, as at the beginning of the year, I was pretty bad at showing my work, e.g. Fractions of your time, but by the Ultimate Design Challenge, I’ve  learned how, and learning How is as important as the what and who and where and why.

Lastly is Maker, and most of this is reflection of the Destination Imagination Experience (or DIE, which is what it made me want to do…)

I personally think that DI, while yes, I can understand why we do it, is an unnecessary strain on our lives, and is probably my least favourite part of PLP.

Strengths: In DI I was good at communicating, and I think that was how my team managed to clutch 4th place, maybe it was all of us, and maybe I took on an impossible challenge, but we tried, and I think that is what matters

Stretches: I think that my pride and MY overestimation of my ability are the 2 things that prevented my team from placing on the podium. I think that this has taught me to be a team player.

So, In conclusion, to answer the driving question.

Am I ready to advance to the next grade level?

I think that my learning from this year has shown that the answer is yes, because this post wasn’t really work, it was simply putting together a Compilation of what I’m proud of, like my Renaissance Triptych (I was the triptych, quite literally), and Me and Tom’s game for the Tectonic chances project.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.