Hey guys welcome back to the blog. This blog is going to be about How music is good and how rap is better. I also like other music like 80s and country but rap is king.
Anyway this part is going to be my playlist for any genre. As you can see I literally have everything hype song like Pompeii, to low mood like so done then i have just happy song that make you happy.
Now lets go into researching an artist. Today we are going to research Drake also Known as Aubrey Drake Graham he was born in Toronto, Canada, he also own a huge house in Toronto. His most popular song is called Gods Plan the song is about his successful journey through the music industry and how he has been able to surmount all the obstacles placed in his way by his enemies/haters and move from grace to grace. One of my favourite song by Drake is one of his newest song Life is Good or Laugh Now Cry Later. Drake started his rap Career in 2006 with his first mixtape called Room for Improvement.
Thank you for reading this post bye.