Recently my class has been taking and editing our own photos. The first things we focused on was everyday objects. To start, we took some photos of an everyday object and we used a neutral background then experiment with different lightings. I chose to use my watch. I took some photos in 4 different places.

  • On a table

After taking the photos I sat down to edit my favourite ones. The first thing I did to each photo was use the rule of thirds while cropping. After that I changed the lighting, colour and then I turned them black and white. I did my editing in photos and then in Snapseed to see if I could make them better.

  • Photos

The second activity was to take a photo walk. We had to choose a theme to stick to while taking photos, for example you could do colours, shapes or textures. I chose to take photos of shapes. These are my photos before and after editing.

  • Before

Finally, the last thing we did was create a personified picture. What we had to do was take a photo of an object and then use the markup tool in photos to show what it would do if it were alive. Here are my 3 personified photos.

While doing this activity I had a lot of fun taking and editing photos to make them the best they can be. When I was creating the photos I was able to use the skills that I learned, like the rule of thirds, in grade 7 when I did a photography unit. This activity was really fun and I can’t wait to take more photos.