🏙️ Vancouver: A super natural place to go? | Vancouver Tourism

Welcome! In this project we created a video essay about tourism. While most of PLP 10 went on a field study to Disney World in Florida, some of us stayed behind, myself included. Our driving question was: How do tourist attractions shape and influence the cultural, economic, psychological, and social experiences of visitors? Our final… Continue Reading 🏙️ Vancouver: A super natural place to go? | Vancouver Tourism

📝 The Indian Act 1876 | Nationalism

This project was titled “Case for a Nation” and it was centred on Nationalism and Historical Perspective. We started this project started in February, was interrupted for a week by the Loon Lake Learning Advance, and was completed in March. 🚨 Trigger Warning! This post details information regarding Residential ‘Schools’ and the Indian Act. Some information… Continue Reading 📝 The Indian Act 1876 | Nationalism