Hey guys, the final project of the year has finally come to a close which means it’s time for the final blog post of my grade 11 year. As always the last project was presented in the spring exhibition, which this year had both some great ideas and execution and some downfalls. But this is […]
2 Years Later It’s Time for mPOLs again
Hey guys, it’s close to two years since I’ve had to do a mPOL and yet the nerves that come with them are still exactly the same. This year has been interesting to say the least, with everyone still getting used to the semester system and the two hours classes most of the projects we […]
- Exhibition
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Hiroshima and The Weight of Morals

The Winter Exhibition has come and gone once again and with it, our main project for the semester. Based on my previous blog posts you could probably come to the conclusion that we were focusing on Hiroshima, or more specifically the bomb that was used to destroy it. However, that’s not really the full extent […]
Is Hiroshima Still Relevant Today?
I’m sure that the majority of you who are reading this have heard about Hiroshima, it was the first ever use of an atomic weapon on a population and the first time the world had ever witnessed such power. I’m also sure many of you have also read the book Hiroshima by John Hersey and […]
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The Romeo and Juliet Saga

Hey guys, if you’ve been reading my recent posts then you probably already know about our recent project that surrounded Romeo and Juliet. Well we’ve finally finished it, and now there is no better time to reflect on then the present. The Driving Question for this project was: “How can we present a live audio […]
The Meaning of Identity
What makes up your identity? Is it your physical being, your mind itself, a mix of both? Or more importantly, what is identity in the first place? Those are the questions that will hopefully be answered in this post and maybe we can go even deeper then that. Let’s start with the most vague question […]
The Worst Business Ever
Have you ever wanted to start a business? I’m guessing you have, even if it was for a silly little idea you had had as a kid, I know I have. However, I’m willing to guess that you never actually executed that dream of selling those ‘cool friendship bracelets that you learn in grade 1 […]
DI But Not Really
Hey guys, unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few months you probably know about the global pandemic going on. Almost everything that isn’t essential has been shut down, sadly that included the DI provincial tournament. However, luckily for us our teachers decided to host their own provincial tournament an Zoom for […]
DIing inside (I know it’s a bad pun)

Hey guys, it’s March which means we’re right in the middle of Destination Imagination season! Yay… as you may remember from last year I have a love/hate relationship with DI. It’s fun to a point, then the stress gets to be too much and I hate it until the regional tournament where we just get […]