Feebee is the best

This project was called ‘Comic Cells’. We had to create a comic book about a disease of our choosing and cells.

The driving question was: how do diseases and cells interact? 

The first thing we did was make a mindnode. Like we do for every other project. Here is mine- 

After we did that, we chose a disease to do our comic about. I chose the bubonic plague. 

We then had to create a wanted poster for our disease. Here’s mine-

The flowers don’t have anything to with the plague, but I think they look nice. 

Next, we did some Khan Academy quizzes, to test our knowledge of cells.

And now, 

The moment you’ve all been waiting for…

My comic!

Feebee the Flea and the Bubonic Plague

The greatest comic featuring a flea who wishes to destroy humanity by infecting people with a bacterium called Yersinia Pestis (the bacteria that causes the plague) you will ever read!

The curricular competencies

Questioning and predicting: Demonstrate a sustained curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest  – All class time is used for learning and creating a comic book story about cellular processes and/or diseases.

I could’ve used my class time a lot better,  I got distracted a lot and I didn’t get a lot done in class. But I got it done, and it was cells and a disease, so I got that part right. 

Scientific communication: communicate ideas, findings, and solutions to problems using scientific language, representations, and digital technologies – Correct vocabulary and accurate diagrams are used. At least 10 interesting science vocabulary words are included in the story.

I used the correct vocabulary. Accurate diagrams were used, but I didn’t really go into detail about how the bacteria interacted with the cells. I did include interesting science vocabulary words. I don’t think I had 10 though, but I did have some. 

Evaluating: Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence – Cell/bacteria/virus characters interact in a scientific way. Symptoms and logical outcomes of the chosen disease/cellular/ body process are integrated into the story.

The cells and bacteria did interact in a scientific way, though I could’ve added more detail in my drawings to show that. I did include symptoms of the plague in my story. The last few pages were just Dave getting worse and worse due to having the bubonic plague. My drawing skills aren’t the best, but I do think I showed that well. 

So that’s my final Scimatics post for this year!

I hope you enjoyed reading all of my posts throughout the year

Have a good day.

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