Hello to all penguins! Welcome to another post where I reflect on my first ever Maker unit, “Becoming a PLP learner”. Our driving question for this project was “Who am I as a PLP learner” I will show you my evidence, then give you my answer. I completed many assignments in this project, but I’m gonna show the three that I thought were the most important.
PROJECT 1. Digital Selfie:
In this project we went outside to the Myrtle Park and took a photo of ourselves doing something that symbolized an aspect of ourself that related to school. My face is blurred out as I don’t want to do a face reveal until I win the award for best school blog ever. I am falling in this picture.
I this Project I took almost one hundred photos and this was the only one that I used for my project. This taught me I can’t make everything perfect but I can make use my creativity to make things better, if not amazing.
PROJECT 2. User Manual:
In this project were practicing adapting a mentor text. We were given an example of a “user guide” but for a human. We had to adapt this so that it applied to us. I will show my favourite parts of this project. 
This was a really fun project and I think I completed the assignment successfully, as I was not charged with plagiarism, which is good. I learned how to effectively base my idea of someone else’s work, but make my version unique and different.
PROJECT 3. YouTube Channel:
Unfortunately: we did not get to create real YouTube channels Fortunately: I did. Let me explain, we plotted how our first videos were going to work and some other aspects of our channel. This was fun and really opened my perspective of how the basics of content creation work. But you see, We thought we might actually make a video, so I E-mailed a cube store (cubing out loud, huge thanks to them) and asked if they wanted to send me some cubes. They gave me a discount, and sent me some great cube accessories! I ordered the speed cubes and thought about how the video was going to work. Then we were told that we weren’t actually doing it. So yeah that sucked but I decided to do it anyways. I am currently editing the video and and I will post a link here when I am done.
So, who am I as a PLP learner? I thought about this for awhile and decided that I am a designer. I get a general idea of what I want to make or do, and try it, if that works I continue designing it, if not I reorient myself and try a different option, and a repeat this until I find something I am satisfied with.
Then I continue creating and revising until I have a final product. I know a lot of this is basically the definition of PLP, but the difference between design and the PLP program is, well I’ll let the definition of design tell you. “purpose, planning, or intention that exists or is thought to exist behind an action, fact, or material object.” I think that PLP really shows the purpose and the intention well, design is where the planning comes in. I, without even thinking about it give myself some form of mold in my head to work off of, or format my work before I write it.
I am not yet the best planner but I wish to be (not in the world, but actually, that sounds cool, we’ll see). That’s one of my goals, and PLP is all about goals. This is why I think I’m a designer, it mixes the PLP program and my own skills into one thing.
Thank you for not fainting when you looked at this huge wall of text. If you did faint, well sorry. *leaves
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This in not a sponsorship, I just think their a great cube store!