Hey everybody, over the last few months I have learned many different and exciting things, and here is the best of them. mPOLs are for PLP students at Seycove Secondary School and its where a student has to reflect on the year so far, the challenges they’ve faced, and how they will overcome obstacles in the future. That is exactly what I am here to do today. I will be giving you an inside look as to what challenges I have faced in each class and what I am going to do and already have done to achieve them. 


This past semester, we’ve gone through many diverse topics in Humanities. We kicked the year off with our first unit, advertisement. We went form choosing a business in the local area and creating an ad for that business, to going to Oregon and getting assigned a business from there and creating an ad for them. I have made so much progress from the Deep Cove Ad’s to the Oregon ads. You can see my Deep cove and Oregon ads in the slideshow below. 

Although it may sound as if this project was easy, it was not. I faced many obstacles during the timeline of this project. An example would be that i was having trouble creating an original idea for my ad. Everyone in my class was creating exceptional ads and I felt as though I were stuck in a fixed mindset where I could not think of any new ideas. At times, I wanted to give up because it felt like I was being left behind. I told myself to think like a new learner and learn to grow instead of staying where I am. I am still learning to overcome my fixed mindset and transfer into a growth mindset.


Throughout this year we’ve learned about many topics and Scimatics. We started off learning about geology and how that relates to tectonic plates. Overall this lesson taught us about the different types of tectonic boundaries, rift valleys, erosion, and how this affects our every day life. To conclude this unit we had to complete an assignment, where we had to focus on one particular earthquake that happened in the past and analyze what happened. We also created a children’s book that summarized our learning of tectonic plate boundaries. To be completely honest this assignment was challenging for me because I wasn’t necessarily familiar with how to compile a book from a child’s point of view. I have forgotten that part of me that would see things more simply. In retrospect I would like to share this book with a child and know what his/her thoughts would be. 


Math has always been part of my life because from a very young age I have always been interested in it. This past semester our class has focussed on integers, the Pythagorean theorem ,order of operations, and multiplying, adding, dividing, and subtracting fractions.

Most of our assignments have just been practice for us to learn and get a hold of those concepts. Even though I am confident in this area of learning, the hurdle I faced was in fact myself. I got too arrogant and forgot the proper order to do the question in. My thick head got in the way of me thinking clearly and using my frontal lobe to solve the problem. If I want to be prepared for grade 9 Scimatics, I need to learn how to gain better habits for science and math class, which is to slow down and digest the information, and ask for help when I need it. 


This past semester, I have grown to like this course a lot and I think that I have done well in this course. We started this course by getting familiar with the apps on our iPads and learning how to photoshop, take proper photos and basically use our iPads in the way they were meant for. As we progressed, we started something called The Student Blogging Challenge. Each week we would receive a challenge and would have to Solve the problem by the end of the week. In the beginning, obviously, it was just introductions and beginnings. But as we dug deeper, it started to get more difficult and I ended up finishing the actual ta solve the problem by the end of the week. In the beginning, obviously, it was just introductions and beginnings. But as we dug deeper, it started to get more difficult! I researched on that topic for the whole week and ended up having no time to actually write the blog and post it. A resource I could have used was my time management and time blocking. I am going to try to incorporate my time management and my time blocking skills in my every day life.We also created long-term selfie goals where we had to create a long-term goal he wanted to achieve in the future, and mine was about time management and critique for revision. Here is my selfie goal:


PGP is probably the most confusing course of all. With all due respect, it is craaaazy! At first, obviously, very confused with the layout and overall what PGP was. I soon figured out that this year PGP is going to teach me how to set goals and help me achieve them. We started with a book called “What do you really want?”. At the end of each chapter there was a form we had to complete, but we were only required to hand in 4 out of all the forms. Each from helped us set a path for our goal and we will probably achieve it by the end of this year. It took Me a while to Figure out what I really wanted in my goal. I think I knew what I want to deep inside but I didn’t want it to come out because I was embarrassed and afraid of what others might think. A lesson I learnt from PGP is to never be ashamed of what you really feel inside and that even though you might not like it may be others will.  

Here is a slideshow showing my work so far!:

  • Our first poster draft for the Winter Exhibiton!

Overall Reflection:

There are 2 main things I would like to focus on during the rest of the year. Those 2 things are time management and temper management. Time management is pretty self-explanatory to me because I know for a fact that I get distracted a lot. I usually get distracted by Netflix and I always tell myself that one more episode won’t hurt. One thing I did was I actually deleted the app of my iPad and have vowed to only re-install it at the end of the school year. Here is the proof:

Another goal I mentioned was my temper management. I tend to get too hyper sometimes and I need to learn how to calm myself down. An action I have taken to help myself in the process is always having something squishy near me, so that whenever I feel I am getting to hyper and I regulate myself with it. Something I want to achieve in the future is getting stronger in my weaker areas!

Overall throughout this year I have learned a lot then I intended to, high school has been a very happy experience for me so far and I intend to keep it that way. I learned a lot of new tools that I can add to my tool belt of learning and  If I keep on Learning like I am right now, but also leave room for myself to grow, I think I will be able to survive five more years in high school. More specifically, five more years in the best program ever, The Performance Learning Program. Aka PLP!

I would like to end this presentation with a question for you all.

How has PLP helped me with getting stronger in my weaker areas of learning?
