DI regionals!

As I woke up at 7am on Saturday, march 2nd, the only thing I could think of was DI. The night before my group had worked tirelessly to finish our pinball machine; with painting, making costumes and finalizing everything, I wished we had more time. But all these lessons I’ve learned through regionals will benefit me in provincials. 

Let’s begin from the start. My group consisted of Jackson, Jack, Jasper, Ailie, Matteo and me, which created our team name J.J.J.A.M.M. At the beginning of DI we signed a contract, basically to promise to be nice to eachother. I do think our team worked well together with communication and creativity. There were exceptions though in which at certain times we got stressed. For the future I wish to be more patient and understanding and well as using my time to benefit others mode and relieve the stress of DI. 

Overall for this project/ presentation we had to make a working pinball machine and a story that included it in some way.

 Our group collaborated our on main idea which won us 2nd place in regionals. Our presentation was great, our acting was emotional and our costumes worked well, the one part we left out of were the acutal rules of the pinball. We unfortunately didn’t even make one round so we got zero points for rounds. For next time we’d like to improve on actually getting credits for the pinball rounds and how to rework if we fail. 

My contribution was I was a designer. Our group worked collaboratively but we also had jobs, some focused on building and others did designing. 

Overall I think I learned a lot of new things, as well as things I’ll use in the future. For example, I’ve learned new skills on how to use building tools properly especially the drill; and also somewhat skills like time management. This became crucial at the very end before regionals where we were in a big time crunch. But we did accomplish a lot in those 24 hours before presenting. 

These are our “donuts” that we made as a team choice element. Lesson learned donuts are really hard to make. Thankfully I went through this struggle with some of my team members. 

As you can see at the bottom right is our pinball machine. You may be able to tell, or not but our choice was to make it Star Wars themed. We decorated it and made it not look too heinous. In the end we were very proud of our finished product and how it came together. Obviously there’s room for improvement which we will present at provincials. 

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