Radical Renaissance Trytptich

My tryptich of me in the Renaissance, now and before the Renisance with innovations from each
My Tryptich 😊


This triptych represents how ideas from Europe and Asia changed the world. The left panel represents the renaissance and its innovations from it. The middle one represents those innovations as we use them today. The right panel is of traditional ideas from before the Renaissance. The panels are at different times of the day and the brighter it is in each panel the brighter and smarter the innovations featured in it are/were (at least according to me).

The left panel

New ideas and innovations changed the Renaissance world, by spreading knowledge with the use of the printing press, popularizing religious freedom, and developing lenses to learn out space and make us see better. It was a time of reflection on who we are as humans. In my triptych, I added a bible to show how more people could access books and literature and though people were beginning to stand up against the church they were still very religious. I also added some scientific journals to show the advancements that people made during this time in medicine. There is also a telescope on the desk to show how people were beginning to look into space and investigate it. If you look closely you can galileo printed on the side of the telescope. Out the window, you can see a clock on a church because it wasn’t common to keep a clock in your house in these times but people were beginning to rely on them more and more. The painting on the desk represents people's ability to think for themselves. The person in the painting is looking out of the frame, but there is still a cross on the wall behind her. The painting is small representing how people were beginning to think critically but still not completely. This panel is set in the morning to represent the beginning of new ideas.

Right panel

Traditional ideas from before the Renaissance times promoted people to follow the path the patriarchal church had set for them, in this time people lived very simple lives and did not think critically very often. In my right panel, I have a church out the window because the church dictated how people lived. Instead of having books to learn from ( most likely good sources), they learned from gossip and the church ( probably a non-reliable source). The church was the main resource for medicine. The church controlled almost everything, so people weren’t thinking about how they could evolve to make life better. The church had everything so the church is what I put on the triptych. This panel is set a night to represent the darkness and absence of critical thinking and innovations that came later in the renaissance. In my panel, there aren’t many things that don't have to do with the church because this time everything had to do with the church.

Middle panel

Ideas from the renaissance changed the world today by promoting people to think and advocate for themselves, collaborate, and create things to live better lives and wonder more about how our world works and how it should be. This affects how we live today because people have continued to do these things. My middle panel has people on a zoom call to represent how people collaborate now, especially with COVID-19. There are both real books and the books app visible in my middle panel because I use both and feel that both are important. I feel like books are evolving right now just as they did in the renaissance. In the panel, you can see both a physical clock and the one on the laptop, (if you zoom in). Clocks are also in the middle of evolving right now so I represented both. There is a book on the desk about medicine. The cool thing about this is that there are still books on medicine even after so many years. Of course, most medical knowledge is online now, but it's still cool to think about it. This panel is in the light to represent how our society is coming into the light and has grown from the dawn (renaissance) to where we are now, today in the sun. Overall my triptych shows how our society grew and changed over time when people began to think for themselves. Before people thought critically about their lives they were controlled and didn’t explore ideas. When people began to think critically and communicate with one other they made their own lives better. The lesson we can learn from this is that when we think critically about situations we’re in and then take what we find from that and collaborate with others to make out lives better.

My favourite things in this project included how fun it was to dress up as a nun for the right panel. I could not keep a straight face. Seriously impossible. I did get it in the end though!

I also liked using the candles in the left panel I felt that if gave it a more authentic feel. Another fun thing was making the zoom call. I really like acting so it was fun to be stereotypical people on a  call, especially the person in the hoodie.

Things I would do differently would be to take the photos in advance so that I could edit them more in class. I found my self scrambling to have them all done for the due dates.  I also would have liked to have my sketch prepped better because I realized a little later than was comfortable that my original dead wasnt going to work.

Overall, I had a lot of fun this project and it really made me think about how humans evolve. I am taking it as an opportunity to reflect on my time management and how I can become a better student.

☺️ Neko


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