Bring Your Kid to Work day (School edition)

On my Bring Your Kids to Work day I was hosted by MMe Rae (a family friend) and her class at Dorothy Lynn’s. I learned a lot from this day including how much work goes into being a teacher, and what skills are necessary to be a good one. A lot of the things that are important if you’re a teacher are also important when you’re a student like collaborating and time management (which now that I think about it are probably important to all jobs). It was nice to go back to my old elementary school to see all my old teachers and it was really valuable to see this profession from another POV (pizza was a bonus).

I created a video about this day as well. I interviewed Tova which was cool, and it was a much longer interview than I anticipated but I wish I could have added it. This shows some of my learning from this project. At the beginning of the year, I would have found it really hard to cut any of it and now that I have experience making videos the process was a lot smoother. I added a voiceover which I think added to the video (much better than just having photos and music).

I will apply the learning (both from making the video and the actual day ) by keeping both in mind. I’ll apply the learning from the video to my technical skills because now I know how to add visuals to just audio in iMovie (really more complicated than it should be). I’ll keep the learning from the actual day in mind when choosing a career obviously, because now I’m half interested in teaching. I’ll also keep it in mind when interacting with my teachers because I know how much thought and effort goes into each lesson and activity.


Until Next Time!


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