👤My First Ever Winter Exhibition Blog Post! AVATAR THEMED!!👤

👤My First Ever Winter Exhibition Blog Post! AVATAR THEMED!!👤

❄️Winter Exhibition Reflection❄️

’What did James Cameron’s fantasy world of Avatar teach us about the real world?’ For me, this question wasn’t a very easy one to answer in a simple and non-detailed way. My class-mates, and I all discussed this question at school, and came up with quite a few different answers, but the main one for me was probably racism, and not to be extremely greedy, and also to have empathy for others.

What we had to do for this project: we had to create a box and chose one of the four themes we chose from the first avatar movie! (Racism, humans vs nature, corporate greed, militarism) once we had chosen our theme, we then had to come up with a theme-statement according to our opinions on the theme that we chose. My theme statement was, ‘Sometimes people don’t think about the consequences of the damage they make for their own personal wants and needs.’


There were quite a few steps in order to reach the end product, the first step was to choose our theme and each write out our theme-statement. After we had done that, we had to plan out and draw our prototype for our model. We had to somehow figure out how we were going to incorporate our theme-statement into our model, and for it to still make sense. Once we had done all that we had to fill out a PowerPoint thing while we kept working on our planning, to keep track of everything and all the materials and things that were needed. Here was my prototype that I drew:

Sorry about the mess.

Once we had drawn out our prototype, we then had to plan out all of the materials we needed to buy. Once we had bought everything that was needed we could finally start to put it all together and make our avatar box come to LIFE! We had about a week to finish up our box, and get everything perfect! After that the only thing left to do was present at the exhibition, and then reflect on our overall project. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it to the exhibition or help set up for it.


One of the hardest things about this project was probably figuring out my box, and all the the materials I needed. I really struggled when it came to physically building the box, especially the two trees I put inside. I feel like a lot of people who were also building trees struggled, but we all managed to finish it in the end and they all turned out AMAZING! When we first started the project we had to sketch out an idea, I kind of had an idea after we did this exercise and discussed all of our ideas. At first I didn’t actually think that I was allowed to put things inside of the box, but it turned out we could. As soon as I heard we could I had this idea that came to my mind. Here was my idea: Ok so here is my box on the left we have a before when the tree is all green, healthy, and gorgeous. And on the right was after, when the tree was fallen over, and had been bombed by the people. On the right side I had the Na’vi people who were fighting and running away, some were even dead. That was my main idea and I just kept building from that!  


The easiest part for me was probably the sketch and drawing. It was the easiest thing for me because I had an idea already in my head.

The Best Part

My favourite part of the exhibition was seeing my final product! I was very happy with my end result considering that I spent a lot of time on it. I was very proud of my self for not giving up and truly trying really hard!

What would I have changed

If I could’ve changed one thing about my project to make it better it would be to make sure that I am organized so I can have my box done on time, and ready to present. Another thing is to practice the things I say when I present as I did stumble or forget the main information.

What I learnt

What I learned from this project is that it is good to have a strong starting idea but it is even better to add my ideas and thoughts to it as time goes by. Another thing is I have to know what I need to do and when I need to do it.

I cannot wait for the next EXHIBITION!! Next time I will actually hopefully make it so I can share even more valuable and interesting information for you to read!

Here is how my box turned out in the end:

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